Sweet Corn; Teaching English; Home Renovations and Kickstarts!

Hello all! It surely has been an eventful few months since my last blog and I have been meaning to hop on the site for some time now to blog about a few of the rather large changes for our family that have taken place for us in this middle third of 2021. I thought that it would be easiest to do this through a short-ish video as I hope to cover lots of ground in about 10-15 minutes. I hope you and your family are well and the Lord’s plan for your life be more evident each day as we all walk together through this interesting and trying season of COVID. In the video below I will talk a bit about teaching English once again (something I haven’t done in 13 years), joining the FrutiVera team of sweet corn production, home renovation projects and more! Thank you as always for supporting Fervent Fire Ministries in prayer and/or financially as we continue to co-labor with Holy Spirit in growing the Kingdom of God one disciple at a time! I hope you stick around for the next 10 or so minutes to hear about what we’ve been up to at Fervent Fire Ministries and personally as a family!


New life and a New Beginning!


There were no needy ones among them…