Fervent Fire Ministries
Be devoted to one another with brotherly affection, give preference to one another in honor; never lagging behind in diligence; aglow in the Spirit, enthusiastically serving the Lord; constantly rejoicing in hope, steadfast and patient in distress, devoted to prayer.
Romans 12:10-12
You only learn to live when you really learn to love.
The Power of Love
At Fervent Fire Ministries, we believe that love conquers all. We have seen firsthand what love can do to transform a life, and have made it our mission to live that out as best we can in practical, powerful ways.
Globally Supported
Thanks to people just like you from all over the globe, we are able to provide food, education, shelter, and care to many different children and families in our community. Without your support, none of this would be possible. Thank you to all of our international partners and supporters - we love you!
Giving Back
We have made the choice to dedicate our lives to the service of others & those in need. As we expand our base of operations in Nicaragua, know that we make it our main goal to help those around us thrive & experience God’s love firsthand.

Live a Life Surrendered to Jesus
We believe this truth is the very heart of the Gospel. No longer living for self because I have died to myself and now live a life fully surrendered to Him! It is no longer about me, my wants, my needs, my rights, my whatever . . . if I have indeed given my life fully into the hands of Jesus then I have submitted all that I am to Him and His lordship over my life. Living a life fully surrendered to Jesus means that above all we look to glorify our Lord in all things and at all times. For He is our greatest need, has become our greatest joy, and our greatest desire!
Share the Good News with Anyone and Everyone
We believe that sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ should be a strong desire and integral part of the Christian life for everyone. Too often we let the fear of man take precedence over the fear of the Lord and we let many opportunities to tell others about all the Lord has done for us go by the wayside. Sharing about the love of God and His desire to have a relationship with all of us by grace through faith is what we are about; whether by one on one conversation or ministry outreach events in the community and abroad.
Putting the Power and Love of God on Display
We believe that the Gospel is a show-and-tell Gospel. Just as the Apostle Paul said that he did not come with wise words and persuasiveness but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, likewise we believe that the Good News isn’t just a truth written in a book. The unmatchable power and never-ending love of God is to be experienced on a personal level just as much as it ever was. We believe healing the sick, raising the dead, and setting the captives free is an essential and as necessary a part of the Good News as it was in Jesus’ day.

Read about what God has done and is doing through our lives and ministry as we share God’s love and power with others on a daily basis.
“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.”
— Ephesians 2:4-5

Helping others tangibly experience the love of God.
We believe that you only really live when you really learn to love. It is our mission at Fervent Fire Ministries to demonstrate the power that unconditional love really has in transforming hearts, minds, and lives.