What is Fervent Fire Ministries?
We are about our Father’s business. We are about living full-out for Jesus every second of every day because He is worthy and has saved us all from a meaningless existence of toil and selfishness. We desire to see the goodness of God shatter demonic strongholds and mindsets that rail against the truth of who He really is. We believe that the inward burning for Jesus doesn’t have to end at salvation and we long to see the lost come to Jesus and get lit with the love of God and stay burning through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in their lives. We consider it our greatest honor to see the sick healed, the depressed overcome by joy, the demonically oppressed delivered and His kingdom manifest in and through us as we walk with Him throughout our daily lives.
Why the name Fervent Fire?
Romans 12:10-12 is where the name of the ministry found its roots. In the amplified version we read that we are always to “be aglow and burning with the Spirit”. This scripture exhortation has held great significance in the life of the founder of Fervent Fire Ministries and when God was speaking to him about the name for the birth of this new ministry he was led to look up the meaning of the word fervent. If you look up the meaning of fervent in the dictionary you will find that it means glowing, zealous, or burning. And that was it! We are all to be fervent fires burning for Jesus 24/7!
What is your vision?
Our vision for the ministry is that we would be human vessels aglow with the hope and love of Jesus in the midst of a dim and corrupt world; lighting up the darkness as signal flares light up the sky as they soar into the pitch black that surrounds them. Our desire is to see as many lives touched by the finger of God as possible and to be signposts that point all around us to the Master. We understand that in order to transform a community a home must first be transformed and in order for a home to be transformed a life in that home must first be transformed. As a ministry we are not so concerned with programs and projects as we are with the person right in front of us. The Gospel traveled and conquered the world beginning with just One and spreading like wildfire, one by one, turned the world upside down.