Partner with us and can keep a family from starving.
The need in Managua, Nicaragua is not limited to children as their are many families that are choosing to fight together to stay afloat; grasping on to whatever little hope or faith they have managed to salvage through their struggles.
Fervent Fire Ministry seeks to come alongside those families at the Holy Spirit’s leading and provide them not only with basic food provisions, but we also seek to be a beacon of hope for those facing very difficult circumstances.
While we can not visit sponsored families daily to check on them and stand by their side in the physical sense, we can stand by them daily in prayer and encourage them to look to Christ as their true sustenance and answer to all their needs.
A few sacks of beans, rice, and vegetable oil can make a huge difference in whether or not a family can go to sleep at night with full bellies and hope for tomorrow. While we know we can not supply the every need of family who finds themselves in extreme poverty, we understand that the Gospel is a show and tell Gospel, not just spoken but also exemplified in acts of charity such as helping a family have the basics to feed themselves.
At Fervent Fire Ministry we desire to empower and encourage families, to let them know that there are those who are willing to join the fight with them, however, we will continue to encourage their self-dependence and God-given abilities to support themselves.
Will you help support a family in need?
Any donation made towards restoring hope in the midst of dire circumstances is most greatly appreciated. Even with just a simple gift of $35 a family can receive enough basic food provisions to ensure they will not go hungry for a few weeks, but the hope and kindness of Jesus Christ through which all this is given can last a lifetime!
Because of the love and support of others like you, we were able to help these families make it through some really tough times and get back on their feet. Thank you!
The Mojica Family
The Zeledón Family
The Saravia Family
By supporting our ministry, you are making a huge difference in helping families like these personally encounter the love of Jesus through meeting their most basic needs.
We couldn’t do any of this without your love, prayer, and generosity.
Thank you!