At Fervent Fire Church our heart’s desire is to make disciples!
Anyone can come to our gatherings whether or not they are affiliated with the ministry in some way or not. People from all walks of life are welcome, from high school students, to single mothers, to recovering drug addicts, we welcome all kinds to come and listen to and experience the Gospel first hand.
This is a short video of one of our Fervent Fire Church gatherings that was followed by a trip to the baptismal waters in a laguna near our home/ministry to baptize three more lovelies into Jesus Christ.
Encouraging others to step out in faith!
Most of the believers that come to our meetings on Sundays believe they do not have the authority or ability to pray for others in need. In most cases religious teaching has restricted them to believe that only church leadership and a select few “super Christians” can share the Gospel and minister to the sick and tormented. We have a strong desire to see those who have been bound by fear, shame, and religion to be set free into shining their light in dark places and BECOME LOVE to all that surround them.
Sharing the love and joy of the Lord!
In the book of Nehemiah we find that “the joy of the Lord is your strength” and in the book of Philippians we see that we “can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. So the Lord is wanting to show us that a strong and mature life in Jesus should be a joyful one! Religion and wrong teaching have had such a grip on Christians for so long that it is rare to come across a believer is truly joyful and shows it. People are eaten up by stress, worry, fear, and shame and all the while Jesus wants to set them free to run in His green pastures of righteousness, peace, and joy! We see it as our great honor and privilege to lead others deeper into this blissful place.
A safe place for seekers to hear the Gospel!
In a country as religious as Nicaragua there are many people who have no real desire in going back to church because of past hurts and bad experiences; or due to their current situation wouldn’t feel worthy stepping through the threshold of a church building because they aren’t dressed adequately or are known for their wayward living. We encourage such people to come join our gatherings because we know that God isn’t judging them but rather loving them. Our informal setting attended by other loving and kind hearted believers is an ideal environment for the “least of these” and we are more than happy to minister to and worship alongside them!

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.”