For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.
1 Corinthians 4:20
On this page you will be able to find testimonies of healings, miracles, deliverances, and other divine encounters. God is always on the move and we aim to partner with Him on a daily basis to show others how good He really is!
September 7, 2021
Yesterday, Josiah (on the left), his mom and I went to the local market near our home to pick up some vegetables for dinner and when we got there we started looking for our handful of items but the usual vendor we buy from didn’t have all we needed, so we made our way down the vending booths to see if we could find what was on our list. We eventually made it down to the cheese vendor and while we were buying our cheese one of the other vendors came up to me and asked me if we remembered praying for her (Josiah and I) a while back. I said that I thought I did and I noticed that she was no longer wearing the cast that she had on when we prayed for her broken arm. She explained to us that the day we prayed for her she took off her cast the following day and her arm was healed! She said that the doctors told her that when she broke her arm they would need to operate on her arm after they take the cast off, but that was not happened! Hallelujah! She was healed and her arm looked perfect; she was very thankful that we had prayed for her that day. It was a sweet moment for Jessica and I to show Josiah that praying for the sick is not only something that we should do as believer’s but that also people can be healed when we don’t see an instant change but that doesn’t mean that nothing happened! Praise God! He is working even when we don’t see it physically!
“…they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:18

May 19, 2021
At one of our weekly gatherings of disciples we had the honor of watching the sister of one of our brother’s get born again! I had shared the Gospel with her and a few other of her family members about a year earlier, but she was not ready to giver her life to Jesus at that time. A few weeks before our gathering this night I had the feeling that she may be opening up to the Gospel and that soon we may have another opportunity to sit down with her and see where she was at in her desire for the Lord. Well, after our meeting I made the point to sit down with her and ask her about what she was thinking about all that has happened since several of her family members had been born again much in her family had changed over the past year. Pretty much immediately she broke down and admitted that her life was in shambles and that she now knew she needed to repent and giver her life to the Lord. So what a blessed surprise and gift this was! After she repented of her sins to the Father we baptized her into Jesus Christ in a water catching barrel on the back patio where she was washed clean of sin by the blood and forgiveness of her Savior! Praise God!

May 12, 2021
We had the opportunity to be part of the new birth of one of our newest sisters in Christ who is also the mother of one of our young brothers in Christ! I had the opportunity to share the Gospel with her a few months ago and she was very moved by the Gospel and even healed of arthritis as well! She broke down in tears and wept over the fact that she was pain free for the first time in a long time! She was going to come over to our home to be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit but she never showed up. So recently a few sisters of ours spent some time with her sharing about the Lord and set up another appointment for her to come to our home and speak with us once again to clear up some doubts, fears, and questions about what it means to be truly born again and live a life in God. Once we cleared up her confusion and re-solidified the truth for her about what it means to be a “Christian” she wanted to repent of her sins and be baptized into Jesus Christ and begin living for Him lead by the Holy Spirit! Hallelujah!

April 23, 2021 - May 5, 2021
Over the past few weeks we have had the privilege of seeing 3 more added to the Kingdom Family! Hallelujah! Praise God! The Lord is continuing to build His church and the kingdom of darkness can do nothing to stop it! One of the things I love most about these pictures you see above is that there are 7 different people taking part in the new birth of these new disciples of Jesus. It’s not about 1 person or a few leaders in the group; it’s all about the Gospel and what Holy Spirit is doing through those that are submitted to Him and do His will! We all have a part to play and are called to make disciples, but in order for us to make disciples people have to get born again. So, 3 more were born again and are now coming to our fellowships and we are walking with them in discipleship as they learn to follow the Lord as His obedient children who are no longer alive to sin but to righteousness! We are so blessed to live this life and be part of this!

April 15, 2021
This surely was a beautiful new birth! I got a phone call one day from a sister who had gotten born again in our fellowship last year, but had never gotten fully equipped to share the Gospel and we hadn’t seen her in some months; well, this sister was out in the streets running errands when this lady asked her for some help with some money. Our sister didn’t have any money that she could give her so instead she began sharing with this lady about Jesus, but soon realized that she needed help because the lady was open to all that she was saying about Jesus and sounded like she wanted to make a decision to giver her life to Jesus right then but our sister wasn’t quite comfortable doing it on her own as she had never lead anyone to Jesus before. So she called me to ask if my wife and I had time to accompany and guide her through the steps of repentance, water baptism, and baptism in the Holy Spirit with this lady but Jessica and I didn’t have time because we already had plans and couldn’t change them.
So I called another two sisters of ours in the Lord and asked them if they could accompany our other sister and they said YES so I picked up our sister with the lady she met on the street and took them down to my mother in law’s house where the 4 of them would spend time with the lady in leading her through repentance to the Father for all her sin and then they baptized her in water into Jesus Christ! Hallelujah! She also got baptized in the Holy Spirit and received the gift of tongues as well! Wow! So beautiful!
A few things that made this new birth so special to me is that these 4 sisters in the Lord lead this sweet soul to Jesus together! They used their giftings and different levels of experience and worked together to see this new sister be added to the family of God! I am so proud of them! Another detail that made this experience even more beautiful is that our sister that found this lady out on the street, although she didn’t have money, gave this lady what she did have, JESUS AND THE GOSPEL! And look what happened! Our sister was also so impacted at how important to ready to share the Gospel in every season and in every situation, and this experience really encouraged her to get more equipped in sharing the Gospel and healing the sick so that the Lord can use her even more for His glory! Praise God what a beautiful testimony!
March 27-29, 2021
More choose to give their lives to Jesus and get born again! It truly is amazing what is taking place in Nicaragua right now and all over the world for that matter! Only God can do the things we are experiencing and we stand in awe of His work as continues to build His church and establish His kingdom on earth! Hallelujah! All glory to the Lamb! 3 young men at a 2 day event we held at a dear brother’s rustic ranch property decided to say YES to the Gospel and died in the waters of baptism and rose up to new life to live in union with God through His Holy Spirit. Our dear friend Carol (far right picture) chose to die to self in the waters of baptism as well after she realized her many years of church service and ministry were not enough to give her full assurance of right standing with the Father and that she needed to die with Him into His death and rise with Him unto new life! We are constantly amazed of what the Lord does and how He convinces us and others of truth and leads them to Himself so sweetly and so powerfully. We also got to baptize a dear sister’s brother (picture in the middle) for whom she had been praying for some time. He has lived a life of server addiction to drugs and actually almost died a few days back when we was assaulted and stabbed by numerous others. Thank you for praying for Luis with us as we look forward to connecting him with his new family and discipling him, teaching him all that the Master has taught us.

March 18-20, 2021
This week we got to see two more added to the family of God! It’s always such a joy for us to see people hungry for the Gospel! As you saw in the previous post Meyling was born again and needed to be “kickstarted” into living the life of a disciple and we got to do that a few days ago! Meyling saw a few people with pain get healed and touched by the power of God and we also got to share the Gospel with another lady who had been healed on our previous outreach on the prior Sunday. For us it is super important that people aren’t only born again but that they are immediately plugged into a discipleship network where they are equipped through personal experience ministering to others alongside more mature disciples.
We also saw Yader born again; choosing to deny himself, religion, and sin and to follow Jesus! He, like Meyling, will be added to our family and begin getting hands-on experience in walking as a true disciple of Jesus, healing the sick, casting out devils, and sharing the Good News! Praise God!
March 17, 2021
Today we got to see another sister added to the family! This was also Elizabeth’s (on the left baptizing) first time baptizing another sister and Josefa’s second time? (on the right baptizing) Meyling (who got baptized) says she had been repenting of sin to the Father for the past week or so and that she was ready to take all that sin she repented of and put it to death in the water’s of baptism. It’s so beautiful when someone is ready and the Holy Spirit has already been working on them; our part is so much easier! Meyling will travel to the U.S. in about a week and we don’t know when we’ll see her again; so we have some “kickstarting” to do up until that point! Tomorrow she will go to her 1st gathering of disciples and will also go out on the street to heal the sick and share the gospel. Yay Jesus! It is so beautiful what You do!

March 5-7, 2021
We had another amazing Kickstart this past weekend! We had 10 people get born again during the event, praise God! From ages 13 and up new life was given and freedom from sin and spiritual affliction received and experienced by many! It truly was a wonderful 3 days laboring alongside my fellow brothers and sisters here in Managua, all in one accord giving glory to Him who brought us to new life and leading others into a deeper relationship with Jesus!
This Kickstart was was a bit different in that it was primarily comprised of believers; people who had already made the decision to become disciples of Jesus and had been born again and are presently attending one of the three home groups in Managua. This gave the Kickstart a certain atmosphere of unity and common desire to obey the commands of Jesus that set it a bit a part from past Kickstarts. This was also the first Kickstart in which former students provided the teachings, including myself, so that was also another beautiful facet of the event. Listening to each teaching from a fresh point of view, with personal details and testimonies really made our time together a learning experience from start to finish!
For me one of the highlights of the weekend was seeing the conviction of the Holy Spirit working on our (now brother) Noé. I met Noé a few months ago on a trip to Puerto Cabezas where he was our translator for a day and got to go around with us healing the sick and praying for the refugees there who had lost their homes after the hurricanes. I had shared the Gospel with him there and we had talked about his relationship with God and what that means, but upon arriving to the event and after hearing the first 3 teachings he came under conviction that he needed to repent of his sins, and truly get baptized into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! Woohoo! Noé had grown up in the church and is the son of a pastor, but he realized that he had never really been born again and wanted to step out in obedience and do that during the Kickstart. It was such an honor to share with him and walk him through that and now get to walk with him, if even from a distance for now, until we meet again in the not-too-far future. Hallelujah!
All of those who were born again are being plugged into one of the home groups in Managua and are already being discipled by other sisters and brothers. Our goal is not just to make converts, but too make disciples who live surrendered and obedient lives to the Holy Spirit! We are committed to walking with them and doing all that is within our power to see that they mature into proper disciples of Christ who live holy and obedient lives worthy of the sacrifice of our great Savior!
One other thing that happened in this Kickstart that I want to mention is of a healing I experienced. On Saturday morning of the event I was watching the little ones and while doing so I twisted my ankle/foot badly playing soccer with the boys. This was one of those sprains where you hear it pop and you know its gonna swell and take a while to go away. Well, after some hours it did swell and by the end of the night I could barely walk on it, but probably 2 dozen fiery sons and daughters of God prayed over it that day for it to be healed and although I didn’t experience full healing that day by the next day it was probably 70% better and the next day even more, so much so that I could go skateboard on it! Wow! That was definitely a miracle as before when I had a sprain like this one it took weeks if not months for it to heal. We have such a wonderful Father don’t we?!
February 21, 2021
Hello to whoever is reading this! I hope these testimonies on this page encourage and maybe even challenge you! I post these testimonies so that it may be obvious to all that God is still moving and working through human vessels to reveal Himself, His power, and His love! These are testimonies that I (Michael) have personally witnessed with my own eyes and although I can’t say 100% of the people that you see in the photos being baptized or healed over the past year or so are walking as disciples of Jesus at the time of me writing this, but most of them are and they are actively leading others to Jesus through sharing the Gospel and living a surrendered life in His hands!
This Sunday during our community outreach time where we try to gather as many of us disciples together in a certain location in Managua to break up into small groups to heal the sick and share the Gospel, one of our groups approached 2 girls and 1 guy in a park and asked them if they needed healing in their bodies for anything and they said “no.” Instead of just walking on to the next person the group asked them if they would like to hear the Gospel so they shared it with them and the two girls that heard the Gospel wanted to repent of their sins and get baptized into Jesus Christ! So we ended up taking them back to the home of one of the disciples who has a pool where he lives and our sisters in Christ (one being my wife) sat down with the 2 girls individually and walked them through what true repentance from sin actually is and what it is not and both of them sincerely prayed to the Father, confessing their sins and asking for forgiveness. During this time the boy that accompanied them looked pretty uncomfortable because he had not heard the Gospel in the park when the girls did because he was caring for the baby boy that belonged to one of the girls so she could hear the Gospel. So when we got to the house where the girls would be baptized we took the time to share the Gospel with him as well and he also decided that he too wanted to repent of sin and give his life to Jesus! Hallelujah!
After all three of them had repented of sin to the Father and put everything out in the light we took them to the pool and baptized them on their own faith into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! All three of them needed deliverance from unclean spirits and demons and we took our time praying over them, making sure each of them got free from all demonic oppression. It really was beautiful to see each of them receive the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues just like in the book of Acts! Praise God! We are now guiding them to a local body of disciples where they can join other followers of Jesus and become equipped to live this amazing gift of a life we get to live as we work the harvest together for King Jesus!

February 12. 2021
I was blessed with the opportunity to share the Gospel with a friend and neighbor of some brother’s of our’s in the faith. Jorge was reaching out for help because he felt like he was all alone in the world and had no peace in himself. Jorge almost lost his wife in the recent birth of his twins and the complications during the birth used up all the funds they had saved up for the coming of the twins to the their household. But it wasn’t just the economic needs that had him feeling alone; Jorge also grew up without a father and much family around him so the weight of the reality of not having an identity in the world was heavy up on him and he couldn’t seem to escape it. As we talked over coffee and I listened to him share where he was at spiritually I realized that he needed to hear the Gospel so I shared it with him using the TLR Witness cards and Jorge listened attentively and things began to click for him. Jorge realized that he had never had a relationship with Jesus as he had never been baptized on his own faith and had never repented from sin. Jorge told me that he didn’t have any vices; no obvious addictions, but after hearing the Gospel he realized that he did have sin and unforgiveness in his life that needed to be put away.
It’s always beautiful to see a lost sheep find its way back to the Great Shepherd of our souls, but for me its even more sweet when someone is so broken, so humbled, and so ready to receive all that the Father has to give them once they choose to let their walls down and let the Light expose the darkness that has been within them. So after meeting for a few hours in the coffee shop sharing with Jorge about his greatest need he decided that he wanted to give all to Jesus and be born again! I took him home and we blew up and filled up the pool while Jorge was with us, before God repenting of his sin and then we quickly took him to the baptismal waters and put away all that sin forever! Jorge received the Holy Spirit and prayed in tongues for the 1st time as well! I them took him to the grocery store to buy him a few things for his babies that would last them about a week at least and he asked me as we walked to the bus stop “Why are you doing this?” and I could only respond that “This is what family does. You are part of the family of God now and we look out for each other. If one part is struggling we struggle with them and come alongside them. What’s mine is your’s and what’s your’s is mine.” I feel so blessed to be able to work the harvest alongside the Master and play a small part in what He does because only He can give new life and set us free from sin! Hallelujah! Glory to the Lamb!

January 27, 2021
Today was another awesome day in the kingdom! We got to see another brother be born again and get washed clean from sin and darkness through water baptism and receiving of the Holy Spirit! I was blessed to be able to speak with him with another brother a few days ago when his girlfriend got born again, but we felt he still wasn’t quite there in his understanding of the decision he was considering making, so we felt it best to wait and continue to pray for him. Today he back out on the streets to pray for the sick and the share the Gospel with a few of the other disciples here and felt that he was ready to get clean of all his sin and give all to Jesus! So now we have another couple who were previously living in sin, but then both get born again and now they are set to get married on Friday and make things right before God and man! Wow! You can’t make this stuff up! God is so good!
Also, this is Mr. Aubrey on the left ministering healing to a lady’s back who got healed today. He is 79 years old, recently born again and super excited about his new life in Jesus! He is also going out with us and sharing the Gospel and healing the sick in obedience to the commands of Jesus. Its never too late to get right with God and begin living for Him!
January 26, 2021
Today I got to play a small part in the new birth of another disciple of Jesus! Praise God! This brother is actually the grandfather of a young girl who got delivered and set free a few days ago during a Kickstart event we held here in Bluefields. She had been experiencing much demonic oppression for quite some time and at the event she decided to give her life to Jesus and got completely set free! Today she went on outreach in the streets for the first time to pray for the sick and share the Gospel and her group ended up at her uncle’s house where her grandfather was at the time. Upon seeing her grandfather she told him that they had been out sharing the Gospel and asked if he’d like to hear. Adolfo, her grandfather, said yes and began to hear about what water baptism really is and why one has to be water baptized on his/her own faith in order to be cleansed from sin and when he heard it he immediately said “I want that!” He had actually been wanting it for months as he grew up Catholic but knew in his heart that infant baptism isn’t biblical even though he can’t read! So after hearing the Gospel presentation we took him through repentance as he confessed his sins and repented to the Father and shortly after we baptized him! Hallelujah! He also received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues for the 1st time a little while later! God is so good and we are constantly being amazed at how He is truly building His church!
Also, we got to see an ear which had ringing in it for quite some time get healed! It was so sweet to see our sister jump for joy and cry tears of thankfulness to the Lord when the ringing stopped after years of suffering. When I laid hands on her with her son in faith to rebuke the ringing in the ear I actually didn’t know she had had it for so long! I thought it was only bothering her for a few days; so I was elated to see that she had been healed when I found it had been going on for quite some time. God is so kind and patient with us! I love Him so much!

January 23, 2021
We saw 8 people healed of different pains and ailments in our time out on the streets today! Upon setting out on our time sharing the Gospel and healing the sick in the streets we encountered a couple within about a minute with whom we were able to share. The man had pain in his neck and stomach due to carrying heavy objects on his head while working which created much pain and discomfort for him; he actually had just gone to the hospital the day before for the pain. We laid hands on him and rebuked the pain and it all left and he and the lady with him were quite surprised! They came to our Kickstart event the next day and heard the Gospel preached but I didn’t get to follow up with them as they left before I could find them. We also prayed for a broken wrist which felt much better after we ministered healing. We prayed for 2 others who had back pain who felt much better as well after we ministered God’s healing power to them. There were two ladies we prayed for, one with diabetes and the other with a cough that wouldn’t leave, which we couldn’t tell if they were healed definitely or not as only time can show the results, but we are believing that there were as God’s word never returns void. We also stopped by a home where a lady had been sick with one thing or another for many years and when we showed up we found her in a chair covered up with blankets and not doing well. She told us that the only place that she didn’t feel pain was in her hair. Wow! Poor thing. So we laid hands and rebuked the unclean spirit and after just on prayer her whole countenance changed! Her face immediately relaxed and her shoulders loosened up. She could now move her body with no pain and although she didn’t jump up and run around the house, she said that she felt better than she had in a long time and the pills she had been taking had not made her feel near as good as she felt after we ministered to her! It was truly amazing to see how quickly and sweetly the Lord touched her body to show her His love and power! In only two hours out on the streets healing the sick and sharing the Gospel we saw Holy Spirit touch so many bodies and put smiles on on previously hardened and pain-filled faces!
January 18, 2021
A few days ago I got to share the Gospel with a man who had been searching for more with the Lord over the last month. He had been baptized 35 years ago but after sharing the Gospel with him he realized that his baptism was most probably not a true one because there was no life transformation afterwards. He was still hesitant to make a decision for Christ after this realization but we encouraged him to not wait too long to make the decision. So after a few days he came back by and was ready to get baptized. Before baptizing him, myself and another brother sat with him to make sure he understood the decision he was making and to walk him through a repentance talk; explaining what repentance is and why it is the necessary 1st step we take towards the Lord in our relationship with Him. There was some doubt in the two of us as to whether our friend was really sincere or not about his convictions of sin and his need for Jesus, so we decided to ask the Holy Spirit to touch him and to baptize him with His Holy Spirit. He was baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues so that was confirmation for us that he was ready to be baptized in water for the forgiveness of sins! It was a beautiful moment, and always one of my favorites with new believers, when he spoke in tongues for the 1st time! I love the surprised and sincerely yet sincerely touched looked on people’s faces when they experience the intimate communion of praying in tongues with the Holy Spirit for the 1st time! Praise God for our new brother’s birth and joining the Kingdom family!

January 12, 2021
There are some areas in my walk with the Lord in which I am learning to trust Him more; one such area is in being lead by the Holy Spirit to people who He wants me to minister to specifically through receiving words of knowledge, visions, or pictures. Today before going out in the streets to minister to the sick and share the Gospel we took some time to pray together asking the Holy Spirit to give us words, pictures, or other clues as to who He wanted us to minister to. I received various words and images as well as did the others in my group. The last lady we shared with fit an astonishing amount of prophetic clues that the Holy Spirit had given me and another in my group. The pictures above show 3 of them that were fulfilled in finding Laurine Tom with whom we spent an hour or so with sharing the Gospel and praying for her physical need.
The first picture shows me in front of her black house which was one of the images that my group partner received; followed by the name “Tom” written on the house next to the black house; also another clue which my group partner received. Holy Spirit gave me an image of purple walls with purple flowers in a home and also that we would minister to a lady with problems with her hip or legs. Well, Laurine Tom lives in a black house with purple walls and on her curtains in her home there are purple flowers! Crazy right?! Unfortunately in this encounter Laurine did not choose to open up her life to the Lord and receive His salvation, but at the very least her hip problem felt better after prayer; and we gave her much to think about after sharing the Gospel with her and showing her how many signs the Lord gave us in order to show up at her home. The Lord truly loves the lost and wants them to come to Him and He is drawing them through us!
January 11, 2021
Hey, so I just realized this is my first post on the testimony page of 2021! Praise God! He is still as amazing as He was in 2020, haha! So yesterday I arrived in Bluefields, which is on the other coast of Nicaragua, for three weeks to participate in the Pioneer Training School. There are about 10 of us students in the school; all like-minded, fiery disciples of Jesus Christ who want to go deeper into the things of God and learn to walk more completely as devoted followers of our King. We spend many hours in fellowship encouraging and challenging each other as well as many hours in the classroom receiving teaching from the scriptures; but the most exciting part of this school for me is the opportunity to go on outreach out in the streets of Bluefields alongside the other students to pray for the sick and share the Gospel!
Today was our first day out in the streets and we prayed for many people and saw healings. The most impactful healing for me was praying for a deaf lady, well . . . she was about say 75% deaf and after praying for her a few times her hearing was greatly improved! Unfortunately she was a bit weirded out by the whole experience and kept her distance after we prayed for her while we ministered to her husband’s ailments, but it was exciting to to see Holy Spirit touch her hearing and give her back most of it back to her after only a few prayers!
We also prayed for a few men that had paralysis due to strokes and one of them was able to walk better with more stability after we ministered to him! We will go back to check on him later in the week because we believe he will be even more improved as time goes by. It was definitely a challenging day out in the streets as I felt the heaviness of the community spiritually in pretty much every home or business we entered to find people to pray for. However, Holy Spirit is doing what He always does, healing bodies and lifting burdens. While my outreach partner and I didn’t take any pictures today, below are a few from others in our school during today’s outreach. The Gospel was shared many times and one even decided to say YES to JESUS and give his life to Him, repent from sin and get baptized! Hallelujah! God is so good!

December 16, 2020
This isn’t the greatest quality photo, but what it portrays is as beautiful as any HD image you can find on the internet. In the photo below you see a man finally giving up the fight and allowing his Heavenly Father to love him and cleanse him of all sin! I have known Christian for 3 or 4 years now and began my friendship with him by sharing the Gospel with him and praying for him. Over the years Christian had been hard hearted as he was losing a struggle with alcoholism, anger, resentment, and pride. Christian gave us a thousand or more excuses as to why it wasn’t “his time” or that the “big man upstairs drives a hard bargain”. He lived on street for most of that time as he would go from place to place and every so often someone would open up their home to him so that he could get off the streets; but Christian was too proud to stay for long as he would soon find another reason why he couldn’t stay indoors under someone else’s roof and follow their rules. A handful of times Christian stopped drinking alcohol, one time for 4 months or so, but he would always fall back into the same cycle sooner or later and we would be there to share with him once again the truth that only JESUS could truly free him for addiction and sin.
After a few years of sharing the truth with Christian and spending many hours in conversation with him about sin and addiction and how I myself got free and how he could too if he would just give everything to JESUS, I felt that I should no longer continue to share the Good News with someone who wasn’t open and ready to repent. So for the most part of the last year we would just give him food to eat, the occasional piece of clothing he would ask for if we had it, and generally just show the love of JESUS to him by meeting his basic needs. It was hard seeing Christian come by the house so broken, so low, and so physically destroyed by his addiction to alcohol and unwillingness to surrender. But what could we do? Sometimes there is nothing else we can do. The compassion I felt for this hard hearted but unthreatening man had never left me over the years and I just had to believe that at some point his wall of pride would come crashing down. On this day that very thing happened! Hallelujah!
Christian walked up to our home the other day and simply said “I’m ready”. I asked him if he was sure and he said yes. So just to make sure I took the time once again to share the Gospel with him and he listened intently and when I asked him if he was ready to repent of all sin to the Father and come into the light he was sure of it. It is so beautiful to bare witness to an open and sincerely humble heart when it has been so hard for so long. It was a great joy and honor to accompany our brother Christian in his decision to give all to King JESUS! Christian is currently coming to our fellowship times with the family of God and learning to live the life of a disciple! Only God can work such wonderful miracles! Praise His name!

December 3, 2020
The Lord says that He longs to talk all things, even our bad decisions and less than desirable circumstances made by our own rebellion, and use them for our good if we will let Him. Jean recently made some bad decisions that lead him to a place he didn’t want to be in his life. He had grown up in religion for years but religion could not give him peace nor purpose in his life and that left him empty and depressed.
I had the blessed opportunity to share the Gospel with Jean and after hearing the simple plan of God for his life he decided to repent of sin and get baptized into Jesus Christ! Jean had already been baptized a year before in the church but no transformation had taken place because he did not understand the central tenet of the Gospel, dying to self and sin and truly leaving it all behind through repentance and water baptism.
Jesus answered, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.”
We are continuing to disciple Jean and have already taken him out on the streets to kickstart him in praying for the sick and sharing the Good News!
November 27, 2020
We had the honor of bearing witness to another new-birth! The mother in law of one of our disciples decided to giver her life to Jesus and it was just beautiful! My mother in law and amazing wife shared the Gospel with her and lead her through repentance (which was the first time for my mother in law doing so) and then we brought her over to our home to baptize her into Jesus Christ. After we brought her up out of the water we ministered deliverance to her and prayed for her to receive the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues. She spoke in tongues for the first time and it was so awesome to be a part of her new beginning! A few days later we took her out on the street and got her kickstarted in praying for the sick and sharing the Gospel! Hallelujah! Thank you JESUS!

November 25, 2020
During our weekly meeting several of our group got delivered from demonic oppression. Gabriela was suffering from suicidal thoughts and depression and after our meeting we laid hands on her and there was a huge manifestation, which was a first for many in our gathering to experience. After around 15 minutes of ministering deliverance to Gabriela she was free’d from much affliction and very thankful, while at the same time surprised that she manifested a demon as she was unaware that’s what it was. The following day she came over for some more prayer to fully get free from what had been plaguing her life and since then she has been walking in deeper freedom and peace! Praise God!
Another of our gathering had been suffering under fear and suicidal thoughts as well and was set free! Both girls continue to be free to this day and we are walking them through how to wage spiritual warfare against the attacks of the evil one so that they remain free. Being a disciple is so much more than just Bible studies and prayer meetings! Someones we need to minister freedom to one another and help each other come our from underneath lies that we may be believing which have opened doors to the evil one into our lives. However, as sons and daughters the One who has overcome the world lives in us and if we maintain intimacy with Holy Spirit through a relationship founded on truth, darkness has to go! Praise God!
November 25, 2020
This day we bore witness to another miracle. These two couples who were previously living in sin together got married before the Lord and witnesses! All four have been born again this year and still need much discipling and mind renewal but we were elated that this very important step took place in their lives and relationships. Please pray with us for Josue and Rosa (left) and Walter and Evelyn (right) that the Holy Spirit will guide them into all truth and that their respective marriages will be lights that shine bright the truth of the Gospel in a very dark place.

November 4, 2020
Bless you, whoever is reading this, haha. I hope this encourages you! You are not reading this by chance! I wanted to briefly share with you about what God did in the life of the man getting baptized in the photo above on the left because it’s a beautiful story! Davis is the brother in law of one of our brothers, Josh, who i wrote about a few months ago on this testimony page. You can find his testimony below on this page. Anyway, Davis had been seeing the transformation in Josh’s life and Andrew’s as well, his other brother in law, who have both recently been born again and been on fire for the Lord ever since. Davis, who has been on the worship team in a local church here in Nicaragua and had considered himself a Christian for some time now began to realize that his life did not look like that of his brother’s in law. Davis went out with us one Sunday on one of our outreach outings and in his small group that he went out with he saw 3 people get healed and also saw the Gospel shared with a family. In the photo from that outreach on the above right you can see my beautiful and amazing wife sharing the Gospel with a vendor with another disciple from our group. From that family who heard the Gospel one of them decided to repent from sin; so Davis saw and participated in actual disciples of Jesus doing the same things that Jesus did and commanded us who believe to do as well!
After going one that night Davis began to feel conviction to repent from sin and began to confess sin to his wife, who also recently got born again! The next morning Davis called Josh to repent of sin that he could wait no longer to confess and after another conversation with Josh and Andrew the following day he decided to get baptized because he realized he wasn’t truly born again! Wow! How amazing right?! So, from going on one outreach for a few hours and through and after seeing 3 lives around him transformed by the power of the Gospel Davis also fell under conviction and saw His need to repent and get free from sin! It’s just so beautiful! I love it! Only Jesus can do that! Praise God!

October 29, 2020
What a beautiful day this was! Three new disciples born again into a vibrant life with Jesus Christ! The two girls in the above pictures are sisters who have born witness to what the Lord has done in one of their other sisters and after a time of processing the what God has done and is doing in their family they both decided to follow the Lord by giving Him their lives, repenting of sin, and getting baptized in water! The man on the left is Walter, the live in boyfriend of Evelyn, the one in the middle, who also after hearing the Gospel for the first time clearly decided to go all in with the Lord as well! Walter had actually been caught up in religion since he was a boy but left the church 5 years ago after realizing that religion couldn’t satisfy Him and left him empty and open to temptation which he walked right into and soon after began a sinful relationship with Evelyn. Now the two are planning on getting married and are taking steps to bring their relationship before the Lord in holiness and truth! Yes Jesus! Walter has actually moved out of the house and is living separately until the paperwork is done and the two are legally married. This is so important and so awesome!
Maria on the left was perhaps the most stoic through the whole process of hearing the Gospel and deciding to give all to the Lord, but after she repented and we baptized her and she got filled with the Holy Spirit she was literally jumping for joy and jumping on us giving us huge hugs that actually kind of surprised us! The Lord is moving and doing amazing things and saving whole families from sin! People are hearing the Gospel and after hearing it clearly and simply they are choosing to give all to Jesus and live truly for Him! We are so amazed at how quickly this revival is spreading in Nicaragua! Our fellowship has grown so much that we recently felt led to divide it up into three smaller groups so that we can continue to effectively disciple all the new babes in Christ and get them equipped to live out this disciple-life in power, love, and holiness! How good is our God and how wonderful it is to live this life He has done so much to gift to us!?
October 22, 2020
We had shared met Claudia before a few months ago when her sister got baptized and born again, but she was real resistant to the Gospel and still wasn’t ready to give all to Jesus. Claudia had experienced a lot of hurt and deception from people who claimed to follow Jesus during her life and consequently didn’t want anything to do with “religion”. However, this day she contacted her sister and said that she was ready to give her life to Jesus! I find it so amazing when someone comes to that decision all on their own, simply responding to conviction that the Holy Spirit brings upon their life without anyone pouring into them or influencing them to do so. But that’s how it was with Claudia, praise God!
So she was brought over to our home by her sister and brother in law and we all got to sit down with her and share the Gospel with her and after hearing the Gospel she decided that she wanted to repent of sin and get baptized that night! Woohoo! Claudia was so ready to give all to the Lord! So we all took her up to a friend’s pool and my wife and her sister baptized her into Jesus Christ that night and she has been part of our fellowship ever since! Hallelujah! Since her baptism Claudia has been lead through repentance of hardness of heart towards others and unforgiveness towards others who have done her wrong in her past. We are so amazed at what King Jesus does and only He can do!
October 14, 2020
While in my last week of being away from Nicaragua I had the opportunity to visit a good friend’s mother who lives in Miami. Shortly after arriving she related to me how she didn’t think she was going to be home because she had a doctor’s appointment scheduled due to some constant pain in her hips and back she had been dealing with for a few weeks at least. I offered to pray for her and as soon as I laid hands on her and began to minister to her demonic presences manifested and she fell out on the floor and began speaking in tongues. Her face got really red as she got emotional and after a few minutes of lying there thanking God she got up pain free! We took this picture soon after while eating some genuine Nica-food that her son in law brought over for us! It was so nice getting to chat with them and share the Gospel and tell them about all that God has been doing in Nicaragua through our ministry and her son and daughter in law! Marino, her son in law on the left, was very attentive to all I was sharing and after hearing the Gospel clearly for the 1st time asked me if I could baptize him! Wow! So the following day we met up at the home where I have been staying for the last week, which has a pool, and Marino repented from all sin and prayed to place his life in Jesus’ hands and then I got to baptize him into death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Praise God what an opportunity! So my son and I weren’t even supposed to be here this week in Miami, or so we thought, but the Lord had other plans! He provided us with a loving and amazing family to stay with for the week and my parents even drove the 11 hour trip down to be here to help me with my infant son. I am truly blessed! I guess the Lord really wanted us here because there was someone really ready to give his life to Him! I am very grateful for the opportunity to work the harvest with the King of Kings! Hallelujah!

September 13, 2020
At a recent Kickstart that our friends and family in Christ, the Van der Kaaij family, put on here in Managua we had several people that were touched out in the streets by our time in outreach and decided to repent of sin and be baptized into Jesus Christ the same night! This picture above is of Ingrid who had been going through a hard time battling with sadness in her life and when she saw a group of the Kickstart team out praying for people and sharing the Gospel she came over to ask for prayer. She heard the true and simple Gospel for the 1st time, came back to the center where the Kickstart was being held and repented with a sister in Christ, and then she was baptized on her own faith! This is the moment pictured above.
Afterward she was baptized in water Remon, my brother in the faith on the right in the baptismal waters, asked me to pray for Ingrid some more with Nadia, our sister in the Lord on the left, for her to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and to receive the gift of tongues. Nadia and I spent about an hour with Ingrid explaining to her about the necessity of the baptism in the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life in order to live the life of power and holiness that we are called to live. Ingrid was on page with receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit but even though she had only spent a few months in church before this night she had already heard that speaking in tongues wasn’t for everyone. We at Fervent Fire Church believe that the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues is for all who are born again, not just for a select few. We prayed for Ingrid maybe 6 or 7 times in all, and after each time we prayed and nothing came out we continued to encourage her and explain a little more about the great gift of praying in tongues for personal encouragement and edification. The last time we prayed Ingrid wanted to stand up to pray so as she did we just encouraged her to let sounds come out of her mouth; it wasn’t important what they sounds were or how they sounded, we just wanted to encourage her to get over the fear of man and be bold in working with the Holy Spirit in faith in what He desired for her.
It was amazing that when Ingrid decided to let what was inside come out and took a bold step of faith to begin praying in tongues the Holy Spirit soon took over and she took off in the Spirit and it was just so beautiful! She was shocked afterwards at what had happened and we were so happy to see her receive this precious gift as we know it will be so essential to her encouragement in her walk with the Lord. Sometimes its just necessary to persevere, not give up, not get discouraged, and take steps of faith even when we don’t feel anything! That’s what faith is! Trusting in what God says and His will even when we don’t feel anything :)
September 9, 2020
Lately I have been pressing into Lord and asking Him to help me be a better help to those who are looking to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and to receive the gift of tongues. The Lord has been adding to our fellowship so rapidly lately and I had began to notice that the majority of them who had recently been born again hadn’t yet prayed in tongues. This became a point of prayer for me and I really began asking the Lord to help me in this area; I knew that I had much to learn still. Well, David came by our home to visit us because he had talked with another boy who goes to the same school as him and he had shared with David what God had been doing in his life recently. So I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity with David to share the Gospel with him and to really explain the importance of repentance to him; as this was something that the Lord showed us this year we were not doing well in years prior. David had been part of our gatherings in year’s past but had stopped coming this year and we really didn’t know why.
David said that he wanted to repent of some sins in his life with me to the Father, so we did that together and then after I asked him if he had ever prayed in tongues before. He said no. David had received prayer several times for help in this area, but to no avail. So I encouraged him to pray with me one more time and to just be bold and let out whatever sounds that are there and to not worry about what it sounds like or who is hearing them. After all, praying in the Spirit or in tongues is between the believer and God; for their own edification and encouragement in the Lord. I truly feel this is why so many people who calls themselves Christians struggle with depression and discouragement. Praying in tongues is such a powerful weapon against these attacks of the evil one.
David just started out loud saying “la la la la la la” more or less, just taking a step of faith and being bold, letting out sounds that were not Spanish words and before long the Spirit joined in and began carrying him along in his praying and it was just beautiful. Afterward David was quite moved and taken aback by what he felt inside as he realized he had just prayed in tongues for the 1st time! I am so thankful for the instruction of the Lord and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all things! These are things we as mere humans can not conjure up on our own. They are the work of the Master Himself!
September 8, 2020
Darwin, cutting my son’s hair in the picture on the left, has only been born again for a few months, but the Lord has really done a huge work in his life! He used to work at a liquor store, but got fired shortly after he got saved and decided to take his severance pay and open up this little barber shop in his home and took a basics course on how to cut hair. Darwin is bold for Jesus! He has been praying for the sick and sharing his faith with everyone, even with former enemy gang members! We’re so proud of how he shines Jesus! One thing he had been praying for but still hadn’t received was the gift of tongues. I wanted it for him so badly! Well, we went out to get a coffee and edify each other in the Lord and after we visited a guy Darwin had prayed for before but the guy didn’t get healed. So we prayed for him and the man’s stiff leg got probably 50% better and while we were praying for him Darwin received the gift of tongues! Needless to say I was excited and Darwin was too! Praise God!
September 7, 2020
I was blessed to have the opportunity to meet with a young man who had grown up in the church and had even moved down here to Nicaragua with his family on missions, but he had never had a relationship with Jesus. Through some other good friends of mine that have been recently transformed by the Gospel his heart was broken by his sin and he knew he wanted what he saw in their lives. My friends asked if I would meet with him and of course I said yes. I got to share with this young man my testimony and then I shared the Gospel with him using the TLR Witness Cards and he immediately realized that he was lost and needed to repent and get baptized. It was such a joy for me to see a 17 year old kid so decided and sure of what he wanted for his life!
True, this kid wasn’t a “huge sinner” in the eyes of the world, but he knew that he was dead on the inside and needed to be washed by the blood of Jesus and cleansed from his sins. So, at 11:00pm at night we took him to a friend’s pool close by and put his sinful flesh to death in the waters of baptism! The Lord really his building His kingdom and we are so elated that we can be a part of the harvest in some small way!
September 6, 2020
This happened at our Sunday gathering. We had these three lovely people as visitors to our fellowship and as we try to do to everyone who visits for the 1st time for those who are willing, one or two of our brothers and sisters took each one aside to share the gospel with them and to give them a chance to make a decision based on what they’ve just heard.
Be Baptized
As you probably guessed by the above images all three of these ladies decided that they wanted to repent of sin and to be baptized into the death of Jesus Christ and to be born again through the resurrection of Jesus Christ! This is the 1st time for our fellowship to have 1st time visitors decide to repent and get baptized as soon as they heard the Good News!
Receive the Holy Spirit
As you can also see in the pictures there were many brothers and sisters involved in what took place because we are all one body and we all have something to share and to give! It was beautiful for me to see the body working together for the good of others and placing their personal need for salvation above the need for a good Sunday meeting. Wow! Hallelujah! This is amazing!
August 29, 2020
If you scroll down a bit on this page you will find on the 7th of August our friend Josh getting baptized into Jesus Christ and oh how much has happened in his life since then! I won’t go into all the details here but just know that its been a crazy 3 weeks for him and God has really opened up his eyes to the abundant life he had waiting for Him that he is now beginning to walk in! Josh came to us after a really hard break-up with his ex girlfriend that left him exposed for who he really was, a sinner, and obviously Josh decided to repent of sin and come clean before the Father in water baptism, which was amazing! Yay Jesus!
What’s even more awesome though is that he brought his ex girlfriend here to talk with Jessica and me about her life and where she was at with the Lord and that eventually lead to her wanting to repent of sin and get water baptized as well, that same night! It was so beautiful to see someone so ready; who God had been drawing to Himself for some time. Amazing right?! People all around us really are hungry for more! We are called to be ready at any moment to share with anyone and everyone the gospel and what Jesus has done for us and to us! Praise God! Being a disciple is so much fun and such an adventure!
August 25, 2020
This day Baruc, Josefa’s live-in boyfriend/father of her children decided to repent of sin and follow Jesus in water baptism as well! Jessica and I were out sharing the gospel on a home-visit and when we arrived at home Josefa and Baruc were waiting for us and I could tell by Baruc’s face and red-eyes that this visit was different than all the other ones. Josefa had gone home after her baptism the day before and had told Baruc that she was done living the way she had lived her whole life and was now deciding to live for the Lord and that meant that if he was not on page that their relationship was in trouble because they had never been married legally or in front of God and she knew it was sin. Baruc quietly listened to her and after she was done talking he told her that he felt that something like this was going to happen soon but that he had hoped to be the first one to get born again. Wow! So they went on a walk together and during that walk for the first time Baruc apologized for how he had treated Josefa all these years together and with tears asked her for forgiveness! Needless to say she was shocked and they decided to come to our home the next day so that he could tell me that he was now ready to repent of sin and follow Jesus in water baptism! What a blessing for me it was to see this hardened and expressionless man now broken before me, repentant, sincere and firm in his decision to die to self and to live for Jesus! Praise God the only one who can orchestrate such amazing things!
Josefa and Baruc have already begun making arrangements to get married legally and before the Lord and they also have been coming to our meetings together to get connected to other members of the family of God. Hopefully soon we will see our second couple come out of living in sin and make their relationship holy before the Lord through marriage!
August 24, 2020
The pictures capture more than you know! Josefa and Wilber chose to repent of sin and place their faith in Jesus and get baptized, but it was much more than just another baptism. I had actually baptized both of them years before after the Lord touched their lives and they had told me that they wanted to follow the Lord in water baptism, however, they now know that their former decision to get water baptized was never made with the intent of giving all of their lives to Jesus and to die to self in order to live for Him with all that they are. So after sharing the Gospel with Josefa and her live-in boyfriend/father of her children a few months back, she finally decided that a relationship with Jesus is what she desires and we were surprised by her visit this day and so blessed to walk with her as she made this life-changing decision.
I also shared the gospel this same day with Wilber using the TLR Witness Cards and he too realized he had never repented of sin to the Father and wanted to do so and get baptized into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as well! What an amazing day it was!
We believe there is only one baptism, as the scripture says, but if someone gets baptized for reasons that are not the ones set forth in scripture then we believe that its highly possible and probable that their baptism was nothing more than getting wet. We believe that was the case the 1st go-around with these two and are so thankful that God allowed us the opportunity to see this moment arrive and walk with them through their decision to give all to King Jesus!

August 23, 2020
After our Sunday gathering at Fervent Fire Church a group of us went out to heal the sick and share the Gospel with people out on the streets. A friend of mine and I found ourselves in the park near my home where we walked up on the park security guard and a client sipping coffee before his ride back home. We asked them if they had any need for prayer for healing but they both said they were ok physically. We continued to ask one of the two about his relationship with God and he said “not good” so we asked if we could share with them the Gospel message using the TLR Witness Cards and they said “yes”. So we did so and both of them looked very interested and another guy even walked up at the end of the presentation and also looked very curious. Both of them said they knew that they did not have a relationship with Jesus but were interested in knowing more. Interestingly one of the two confessed that he had lied and that he really did have pain and wanted us to pray for him. He had level 10 out of 10 pain in his arm and couldn’t even lift up his moto-helmet with his right arm. So we prayed healing over him 3 or 4 times and he was totally set free from all pain! He was pretty shocked and the 3rd curious guy who walked up at the end of the gospel presentation with the cards and witnessed the healing of the other guy’s arm starting asking questions and we got so spend another 15 minutes or so clarifying some questions he had about Christianity and water baptism. Seeds were sewn! We now wait for God to bring the increase!
August 10, 2020
Jessica and I were walking around looking for a few things during our 2 day getaway to celebrate our birthdays, which were on the previous day, and in the shop I entered there were 3 guys sitting outside the shop and as I was leaving I asked them if any of them had pain in their bodies. One of them piped up and said that he had pretty bad back pain and he was actually wearing a wrap to help with the pain. I told them that I am a Christian and I pray for people with pain and other physical issues and God heals them. Sergio, that was his name, let me pray for him and after about 3 prayers or so his pain had gone down a great deal! It didn’t completely leave but he was surprised at how much better it felt. I got to share with the guys about God’s heart for them, His love for them and His desire to have a relationship with them and that healing was a sign of His existence and desire to show them that He is real! I swapped numbers with Sergio and we have been in contact and I am hoping that next time we visit down south we can meet up and talk more about the Gospel!
August 7, 2020
This one was extra fun and special for me to witness because of how much happened in a short time frame and of how many people were involved in leading Josh to this moment portrayed in the picture on the left. I met Josh through a good friend of mine who shined Christ for him as a roommate for some years and through that friendship I got to meet Josh and we prayed for him to get healed of migraines, which he did! A few months after that encounter Josh wanted to meet up to talk more in depth about sin and addiction, which led Josh to repent of sin and a few days later he went out with Remon and Julio (the two also in the pic on the left) and others to pray for the sick and share the gospel where he got to pray for and see his first healing done through his hands! That same day Josh decided to get baptized and born again and has since seen more healings and been able to share what God has done in such a short time in his life! Praise God!
August 6, 2020
Maria Elena had been looking for something real with the Father for over 40 years! Through her nephew’s awakening to the truth a few months back conviction slowly started to consume her that she had never known what it’s really like to live a life of faith. Through numerous conversations and coming to our meetings Maria Elena was challenged by the Good News she was hearing because she had only ever known religion and longed for much more! This day Maria Elena decided to humble herself and give it all to Jesus; to repent of her unbelief and hardness of heart and to die to herself in the waters of baptism. 40 years in and out of church couldn’t produce what the Lord has done in only a few months! Hallelujah!
July 24, 2020
Najary and Darwin got married
We had the honor and great joy of seeing two of our newest believers decide to bring their relationship before the Lord and make things right and holy in their household! Najary and Darwin got married after 8 years together and only months of walking with the Lord!
Both have recently gotten born again
Najary was the first to get born again back in April and because she began shining her light for Jesus without compromise Darwin began to feel conviction and it wasn’t long before he too gave his life to Jesus! They both felt conviction about living together in sin!
A new beginning for them both
So the Fervent Fire family was able to help them make things right before God and we threw them a little ceremony at our home amongst a small gathering of believers and family members! What a miracle God has done in such a short time in their lives and family!
July 23, 2020
Our former cook stops by!
Flor, our cook from year’s past stopped by our home to say hi and so that we could give her a bday present we had for her and during her visit we ended up sharing with her all that the Lord has done in our family and ministry in 2020. Salvations, healings, deliverance…etc.
She decided to repent of sin!
After hearing about all these wonderful things Flor was visibly moved and asked us what she had to do to experience the same revival in her relationship with Jesus. So we were able to lead her through repentance of sin and take her to the baptismal waters!
She decided to get baptized!
Flor had always had a desire for the Lord, but had never truly repented from all her sin and her baptism many years ago was nothing more than a pool-party as she did so just to be able to be a member in church, not to truly die to self and sin and be born again.
July 15, 2020
During our Wednesday meeting we had several healed and set free! I want to share about one case in particular which really stood out to me as a clear example of how the evil one attacks the children of God but in the end has to go! One of our Fervent Fire family came to the meeting feeling great but as the meeting progressed she started feeling itching all over her body and it got progressively worse. By the time we began ministering to the physical needs of those present she was at a level 10 itchiness out of 10!
Karla was attending our Wednesday gatherings for the 1st time and had never seen the Lord heal someone through her own hands and so it was a perfect time for her to begin healing the sick! Karla prayed 4 short prayers, rebuking the spirit of allergy and itchiness and by the 4th prayer all the itchiness had left Carmen’s body and even the red spots from the rash had began to disappear! This all happened right in front of everyone and was a real encouragement to Karla and other new believer’s who were watching. One cool thing I’d like to mention is that after the 1st prayer Carmen said that the itchiness actually got worse. This was a great teaching moment for everyone; to learn how to buckle down when the evil one doesn’t want to budge after the 1st prayer or 2nd; to not give up and and to stay persistent until the sickness or pain goes.
It was a real joy for me to see how energized Karla was, and others for that matter, after just one meeting in which she got to minister healing for the 1st time and see the Spirit of God move in power! She said that afterward she felt like electricity was running through her body and even though it was 9pm at night she didn’t look ready to calm down and go home! Haha!
July 10, 2020
One of our sewing class students who came to us already born again but stuck in religion prayed in tongues today for the first time! Karla is a sweet and kind soul who received the baptism in the Holy Spirit a few months back when I got to spend some time with her sharing about God’s plan for her life and how there is freedom from religion! Karla was radically touched by the love of God in that encounter, but instead of running with it she held back hoping that her husband would accompany her in her desire to go deeper in the things of God.
A week or so ago we felt the Lord leading us to offer Karla a job in our home cleaning as she had been without work for a long time and providing for her family was becoming difficult. Since being in our home we have been able to speak more with Karla about her relationship with the Lord and today we encouraged her to finish up early so she could sit down and watch the documentary “The Beginning” from The Last Reformation. After watching the film Karla came out of the room in tears hungry for more of God and I felt it would be good if we laid hands on Karla and prayed for her to be kickstarted in praying in tongues. Praying in the Spirit is such an important part of the spirit-filled life that if we wish to be effective soul winners and powerful witnesses for the kingdom we must have praying in tongues be a common practice in our intimate time spent with the Lord.
So we all laid hands on Karla and asked the Holy Spirit to touch her and fill her with His fire, baptizing her afresh and she began to pray out loud in tongues for the first time, overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit! It was beautiful! Praise God!
June 22, 2020
This day we had the pleasure of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to a young man who had been curious and searching for himself the source of what changed the life of his girlfriend so dramatically. Darwin had been in and out of churches and religion at various times in his life but had never been set free from sin and addictions because he had never truly repented and put everything into the light and followed Christ through water baptism. We were invited to his home to share with him what Jesus wanted to do for him and after hearing the gospel he decided to truly repent and put everything into the light. We then took him to our local laguna and buried the old sinful flesh in the water and prayed for Darwin to receive the Holy Spirit! We are so excited to see what God is doing in the lives of those he touched only a few short weeks ago bearing fruit in that others are taking notice and are desiring to have the same thing for themselves! Thank you Lord!
June 21, 2020
Today we had the honor of leading another to Jesus through repentance from sin, faith in Jesus Christ, and water baptism! I felt the need to share the gospel with our new brother in Christ today at our Sunday gathering as I imagined it was necessary after hearing about his past which contained time in and out of churches. After sharing the gospel with him using the TLR gospel cards my friend arrived at the conclusion that he needed to repent and get born again. What a beautiful thing it is to see the smile on a new believer’s face when they get free of sin and shame! Welcome to the family Josué!
June 17, 2020
In our mid-week gathering of born again believers we had four people that had who came and had pain in their bodies that we ministered divine healing to and they all were healed after one short prayer! I personally didn’t lay hands on any of them but others who are learning and growing in their identity in Jesus Christ ministered the healing prayer of faith and saw results by their own faith in God’s promises! Hallelujah! Back pain, pain in the ribs, burning sensation in the eyes, and kidney pain was healed in an instant!
June 16, 2020
It is always a real joy for me to share the truth to others that there is freedom from sexual addiction. Today a young man came by our home who had been struggling with addiction to pornography and masturbation. He was sexually abused at a young age by other boys and had struggled with homosexual desires as well. Thank God he found Jesus at around 15 years old and was set free from unforgiveness towards those that abused him, but had continued to struggle the next 10 years or so with lust even though he became a leader among the youth in his church. Today I got to share my testimony with him, the gospel as well and walk him through repentance of sexual sin; afterwards we got to pray together for deliverance from these addictions. It was a powerful time together! He says he will begin coming to our gatherings to connect with more brothers and sisters in the faith who are sincere about their relationship with the Lord and desire to be obedient to Him in all things. Praise God!
Jessica also had the wonderful opportunity to walk through repentance with another sister in the Lord today, pray for and encourage her, and get her delivered of oppression that had been in her life for quite some time! It was Jessica’s first time doing this on her own and it was amazing! It is such a beautiful thing when we confess our sins one to another and we are healed and set free! (James 5:16) Praise God! We can’t wait to see what our Good Father will do in our sister’s life who has been radically touched and set on fire by our Savior’s love and power!
June 15, 2020
We had a visitor drop by our home on the morning of our Sunday gatherings that I have prayed for periodically over the last 7 years or so who had an ongoing battle with depression and suicidal thoughts. Seeing as how I had already prayed for him numerous times, along with others, I believed that what he needed wasn’t another gathering amongst believers but rather a 1 on 1 session where I could explain to him the gospel and give him a chance to see where he was at with the Lord. He came by today and I had the opportunity to share the gospel with him and he got to repent of his sins to the Lord and I along with two other brothers in the faith took him to the nearby laguna to baptize him and get him delivered from demonic strongholds. Several demons manifested and we cast them out and he said he felt better after we finished and we also laid hands on him and prayed for him to receive the Holy Spirit. He will begin coming to our gatherings more regularly hopefully and will once and for all turn his back on religion which had caused him so much confusion and torment over the years. Praise God!
May 22, 2020 - June 14, 2020
God has been moving so much in and through Fervent Fire Ministries over the past month! I am excited to share with you in the video below a little more about what I’m talking about. If you have 15 minutes of our time I hope you will give the video a look and be encouraged that in all this madness that is going on around the world and in the United States God is still on the move and building His kingdom! Hallelujah!
May 13, 2020
At our weekly prayer and adoration gathering we had a good crowd who showed up, about 15 people. During our time together one got healed of leg numbness and shortness of breath/allergic cough. Another who had digestive issues and normally would not have eaten pizza due to certain intolerances, ate pizza and felt fine! Another cane to the meeting with back pain and left healed without anyone even ministering healing to him! Lastly, another was ministered to and a demon manifested and left and she got free! God is good!
This same day earlier in the day our sewing class assistant called us to tell us that she was sick and wanted prayer. So we made our way over to her home, laid hands on her and commanded the sickness to go and she got healed! All her pain left and she even said she felt that God had given her a big hug on the inside! She felt so good that she also showed up to our prayer and adoration time a few hours later, much to the surprise of her family!
May 12, 2020
In my time with the Lord in the morning I often ask the Lord to use the day to glorify His name in my life; to use my words and my faith in Him to bless someone in need, physically or spiritually. This morning I once again asked this of the Lord and as soon as I came out of the prayer room to park our vehicles out on the street for the day as I do everyday I noticed that the security guard in front of our home had a bandage-wrap on his left hand. I called him over to ask him what had happened and he told me he couldn’t move his thumb hardly at all and had much stiffness due to tendinitis. I was able to pray for his hand about 3 times and after that he could move his hand in all directions and his thumb without pain as well! He took off his bandage and was truly surprised at what the Lord had done for him! He isn’t a Christian but is interested in hearing more about the Lord and the Gospel and had been paying attention to our recent meeting this past Sunday and was impacted by what he heard. We will continue to sew into him as I have been asking the Lord for a while for an opportunity to reach out to our security guards; all of them unbelievers.
This same day later in the afternoon as Kenner and I were walking through a used clothes store for kids I walked by an employee and I felt a moment of dizziness that is not normal for me; I felt the Lord impress upon me that the employee that I had walked passed suffers migraines. I walked up to the employee and asked her if she suffers with migraines and she told me “yes, every 2 weeks or so.” She was very open to us praying for her to be free from migraine headaches and we also got to pray a blessing of peace over her and rebuked all spirits of fear and anxiety, the likes of which have been attacking many during this COVID-19 crisis. When we were done praying she was noticeably touched and thankful for us stopping to share the love of Jesus with her in word and in power. I also felt the Lord ask me to bless her financially; so I gave her a little monetary blessing and we hope to see our friend again soon Lord willing!
May 11, 2020
We are helping Kenner get his license to drive a motorcycle and while I was waiting outside the Red Cross while he was getting his eye, blood, and psychological exams done I had the opportunity to share the love of Jesus with a volunteer working outside in the parking lot. I felt like I wanted to approach him even before I saw him wince in pain as he sat down for a moment in front of where I was parked. When I saw him in obvious discomfort I got out of my car and approached him to ask about about how pain and he told me that he had hurt his leg in a soccer game the night before. After sharing with me this information he walked away to attend to someone else and I thought my chance to share with him had gone; however, after a few minutes later he came up to me and asked me for the time and I got to ask him if I could pray for his leg. My friend told me “sure” and after a few prayers his pain had greatly decreased and he was able to walk without such a limp as before. Kenner had just finished with his exams so we had to leave, but before we left we got to tell our friend about how much Jesus loves him and how he had transformed our lives and that he would do the same for him. Yay God!
May 4, 2020
We were visiting our friends for the day in a city about an hour away where my buddy Daniel was explaining to me how he was beginning to go out into the streets near his home to pray for people going home to home. He felt a bit discouraged as he has no one to go out with him in faith and had not seen many healed by his efforts, but was hungry to see the Lord move in the miraculous. Before we had arrived he had asked me to go with him to pray over a home where there had been demonic activity due to witchcraft being practiced in said home years before, but the person cancelled at the last minute who is currently living in the home. So, kinda bummed out it looked like we weren’t going to have an opportunity to minister together during our day trip; however, a few hours before we left the egg man came by to sell them some eggs and I thought this might be a good opportunity to see God move. So I went outside where I found Daniel already talking to the man about the Lord and after a few minutes of chatting I asked him if he had pain or problems in his body anywhere. Our friend said that he used to have big problems with alcohol, but that over the last few months things had been better. Recently he had fallen off the wagon though on a 3 day bender and after he came out of the 3 days he found that he could not move his left foot and he didn’t know why. The egg man showed us his lack of mobility in his foot, pretty much 90% immobilized and we offered to pray for his foot to which he said ok. After the first prayer our friend had a startled look on his face as his foot could now move more than before and after about 3 more prayers his movement was restored to about 75%! Our friend was so shocked that he asked us “What did you do to me?!” We told him that was Jesus and that he was greatly loved and this was just a physical sign of that love. In my heart I was thinking of asking him if he would like to pray with us to invite Jesus to take control of his life, but I was hesitant as I didn’t want to pressure him. However, to my surprise he asked us if we would pray for/with him to make Jesus his Lord! We said “absolutely!” and go to pray with him to give his life to Jesus! It was such a fun and unexpected encounter after being denied the home-visit earlier in the day! God is so good!
April 29, 2020
While out at the local mall running a few errands before getting back home to host our weekly prayer and adoration gathering, I noticed a guy walking around by himself on crutches. I actually him a few times during our short trip to the mall and it crossed my mind to walk up to him both times that we walked by him to ask him about what had happened that he needed crutches to get around. I decided it would be better not to approach him as I was out with the whole family and didn’t think my wife would appreciate me stalling our plans while with the kids and we also didn’t have much time to get our errands done and get back home. So we made our way back to the car, but once we got back to the car my wife remembered that we had forgotten to go back to the photo place where we had left an order to get some photos printed that we would need to pick up before leaving the mall. So, I rushed back into the mall and upon arriving to the photo place I once again saw the same guy walking by on crutches; so I said to the Lord “Ok Lord, I will approach him as it appears You really want me to!”
I caught up to Napoleon and asked him what’s up with the crutches and asked if he had pain in his body. Napoleon explained to me that he had diabetes for the last 9 years but the last 2 years had been worse for him. I was surprised to hear that he had diabetes since he was pretty young and not over-weight and I told him that I was a Christian and believed that Jesus would heal him if he would allow me to pray for him. Napoleon looked a bit surprised and confused by what I was saying to him and he explained to me that he had been part of a jewish group before that obviously did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, but recently he had found himself doubting his former beliefs. After talking with him for about 10 minutes or so he agreed to let me pray for him but he asked me not to touch him as he explained that if he got healed he wanted to be sure that it was 100% Jesus, not me; I consented and said I would just point at his body while I prayed and he would be healed.
After a short prayer rebuking the demon of diabetes and commanding healing over his body I asked Napoleon to try it out and to walk some to see how he felt. Most of his pain had been in his feet before, but now he was a bit quiet and bewildered by what he was experiencing. The pain had dropped a great deal and in fact was no longer to be found! He began grabbing at the back of his legs and bumping them with his fists as this would have hurt him just a short while before but now he found that it did not! I told him that Jesus had highlighted him to me and that it was no coincidence that we met up. Napoleon agreed that maybe it was a divine encounter; I gave him my phone number and I dashed off back to the car where my ever so patient wife was waiting for me with the kids already knowing what had happened. Upon entering the car she said “Don’t tell me, you prayed for the guy on the crutches didn’t you?!” I laughed and said “Well, I guess we are one flesh, it makes sense that you know me so well!” Haha.
April 24, 2020
Today my beautiful wife and I went to purchase the new sewing machines for the sewing program; so exciting! While we were in the store waiting while the vendor was checking over the machines to be given to us to make sure they were all in working order, I was asking the Lord what He would have me do to share the Gospel while we were there as there were no other clients in the store and we had about 6 employees around us. My attention was drawn to a sad faced man at the back of the room and the Lord impressed upon my heart that he had back pain. So I walked up to him and asked if he had back pain and he said that he did with a very confused look on his face that said “How do you know that I have back pain?” I told him that I was a Christian and that sometimes the Lord tells me things about other people so that He can show them how much He loves them. I asked if I could pray for him and he looked quite hesitant to allow me to pray for him in the store, so I told him if he would help me carry the machines to the truck I would pray for him there outside. So after we loaded up the machines I prayed for his back and the pain went down, but was still there a little bit. My wife and I began to share with our friend about the Gospel and it became obvious to us during the conversation that he was familiar with religion and told us that his wife went to a charismatic church but he himself didn’t have a relationship with the Lord. After continuing to explain to him about how God isn’t interested in religion or us just doing things for Him because we have to, but that rather Jesus came to the earth and lived amongst us to show that He has always been more interested in an intimate relationship, our friend finally said that he would like to pray with us to open up his life to the Lord and to begin a relationship with Him. We prayed with him and I asked him to check his back again and he said the pain was gone! God is so good! I am constantly amazed at how awful religion is and how deeply engrained it is into some cultures and people; so much so that we often find that people believe that want something real with God but think that they can’t have that because they have things in their lives that they know aren’t right. Praise God for the simple, yet beautiful Gospel that says Jesus came to a broken world to save the “sick” ones and all we have to present to Him is our desire to be saved and willingness to risk our lives in faith in Him. We pray our friend made that decision today in all sincerity and humility! Praise God!
April 22, 2020
At our weekly prayer and adoration meeting 3 guys showed up drunk, one of which is a regular to our Sunday gatherings. One of the guys that came is someone I have seen around town over the years as he goes through the trash and takes out things he can re-sell or use at home; he also has a pretty serious drinking problem and has for a long time. Several times he has come up to me out of nowhere and starting ranting and raving to me about the problems in the church and with Christians. A few times, after going through this with him numerous times, I have simply asked him to not talk to me about God that way, since I know God personally and I could see he had never met him nor desired to be sincere in his dealings with God. Well, it had been a while since I had seen Pablo around town so when he came into our prayer and adoration time with his two other drunk buddies I was shocked to say the least. During the 2nd part of our time together as I was leading worship you could easily hear him saying to his buddies “Come on, let’s get out of here! Aren’t you ready to leave yet?!” Well, his buddies didn’t want to leave so he made his way to the door but as he got close to the door I started praying out loud as led by the Holy Spirit and Pablo just laid on the ground by the door. After our time together began coming to a close Pablo asked me out loud if I would pray for him because he was lost in his addiction to alcohol. I asked him if he really wanted to be free, he said yes; so we gathered around him and laid our hands on him, rebuking the spirit of addiction off of his life, anger, condemnation, religion and other unclean devils. Pablo fell to the ground and began going through deliverance and after about 10 minutes or so he sat up and looked about as clear headed as i’ve ever seen him. He then went outside to throw up and disappeared after a few more minutes. We pray that a seed was planted and the 1st steps to true and lasting freedom were taken! Praise His name!
April 21, 2020
Today was a fun day to be a believer! Actually, every day is an adventure with Holy Spirit but today was a day worthy of sharing a few things with you all here on our Testimony Page. This morning while I was spending time with the Lord my mother in law messaged our Fervent Fire Church WhatsApp group asking for prayer because she had been in pain since the day before and it had only gotten worse and she was beginning to get scared. However, she didn’t want to go to the hospital and rather than depending on human wisdom she opted for faith and believing on the promises of God in unity with her brothers and sisters in Christ. We prayed for her from our respective homes this morning and Arlete told us later that about that same time she fell into a deep sleep and when she awoke she could not find the pain anymore! What once was a splitting migraine-like headache that had even begun to cause paralysis in one side of her face she now realized was gone! Praise God! Arlete came over to our home later that day to tell us the whole story of how God had healed her and she even spent the rest of the day at our home helping us clean and make dinner; obviously she was not only healed but full of life and energy! Man, isn’t God good!?
Also today one of the worker’s on the roof restoration crew we have had in our home for the past week had to leave early today due to pain caused by kidney stones, which he has had for a good while. Thankfully he came back to our home so I could have the opportunity to pray for his pain to be healed, but unfortunately his pain wouldn’t budge. Even though he didn’t get healed in that moment, I felt I was an opportunity to talk more personally with him about the hardness of heart I had seen in him over the past few months, because actually he had been on our last two construction crews and I had gotten to know him better and share with him about Jesus numerous times to no avail. After an hour or more of sharing with him my testimony and the Gospel my friend decided that he would like to pray with me to open up his life to the Lord and begin a relationship with Jesus! So this guy, who once was one of the most hardened and serious looking ones on our work crew, was now with me in tears deciding to give his life to the Lord! It really was a beautiful moment and I am believing that we will get the opportunity to baptize him very soon! What’s even more awesome is that when I asked him to check for his pain in his abdomen that he had been having that wouldn’t budge, he couldn’t find it anymore! He had no pain or nauseousness, both of which he had before we had prayed together! C’mon now! Isn’t that awesome! Hallelujah!
April 13, 2020
Tito and I were out buying materials for the re-roofing job we are beginning at our home and during our errands we came across Saira. While Saira was helping us with our order I began to feel the Lord impress a heaviness upon my heart that I felt was due to something difficult that Saira was going through in her life. So I spoke up and told Saira that I was a Christian and that sometimes the Lord spoke things to me about other people to show them how much He loves them and that He had spoken something to me about her. I asked her if she was going through anything difficult right now in life and immediately her eyes welled up with tears as she stared at me with a shocked look on her face. Saira explained to us that she was about to leave her husband of 14 years due to marriage problems and had been crying out to God to show her a sign or send her someone to let her know what she was to do! So here I was standing in front of her to encourage her to let the Lord show her how to love her husband as He loves her and Tito and I got to pray over her and her marriage as well. It was truly a sweet encounter and hopefully Saira will follow up our conversation together by coming to our gatherings at Fervent Fire Church as she said she would like to do. God really is for us and wants to reach out to others through us! I encourage you to seek His heart today and to let His love compel you to love others as He does!
April 12, 2020
That’s the face of a new creation in Jesus Christ!
Najary grew up in religion and had a relationship with a church but never one with Jesus Christ! She got healed during class at our sewing program my wife teaches and that same day prayed to give her life Jesus and she says she’s been totally changed!
Najary got baptized one week after coming to the Lord!
Within a week of giving her life to Jesus we have seen signs of the Lord working on her life already! Najary had one of the most serious and sad looking faces out of the whole sewing class at the start of the year, but no longer! You can now see the peace on Najary’s face that only Jesus provides!
Tito, a new believer, came with me to baptize Najary!
One of the details about Najary’s baptismal trip that was special to me was that Tito came along to witness her baptism and even helped me baptize Najary! Tito is only a few weeks saved and his hunger for the Lord and things of the kingdom has truly been a blessing for us to see!
April 11, 2020
Today in the sewing class, my sweet and talented wife leads, one of our girls was healed! She had previously explained to us and asked for prayer for back pain that would come upon her at random times, but when it would hit her it would hit her hard. So today during class she felt much pain in her back and it was obvious to my wife Jessica that she was in extreme discomfort. So Jessica offered to pray with her student and while praying together the pain, which she could feel just by breathing in and out, left her body and did not return! The tears began to flow freely when she realized the pain was gone. Yah God! Isn’t He so good?!
We have had one student already healed (this makes 2) and she will be baptized soon as she decided to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior the same day that He healed her! So we are continuing to believe big things for this year’s sewing class as we continue to love on these women and share the Gospel with them in power and love! Thank you for praying for us and these precious women!
We went back to visit our friends at the rehab-center for alcoholics to share with them some more about the Gospel and to pray for them. After sharing the Gospel with them we asked for those who wished to open their lives to the Lord and to begin a relationship with Him to make it known and we would pray with them. About 4 guys said they wanted something real with the Lord, which is awesome! I also felt that I was supposed to pray for the director Marcelo, who is not a Christian, but that didn’t stop Holy Spirit from speaking to me about a situation with his daughters. I asked him if he had a daughter of about 6-8 years old and he said that he didn’t, both his daughters are adults already, but he does have a son that age. I felt that there was something going on with his daughter or daughters and he said that there was. Actually that morning he sent them a message telling them that they should consider him as dead to them and that he no longer wanted anything to do with them. The Lord gave me the opportunity to speak about the Father’s love for Marcelo and how that is the type of love He desires for Marcelo to show his daughters. We ended up praying together and I lead him into asking forgiveness from the Lord for what he said and for the Lord to show him how to forgive his daughters. A few moments later he asked if he could speak to me alone and still reeling about how the Lord spoke to me about his daughters he wanted to ask me for help in making the rent payment for the rehab center and that they were $100 short this month. Little did Marcelo know that the Lord had already put it in my heart to gift Marcelo exactly $100 before we even showed up to the center that night! I got to share with Marcelo that that is the grace of God! Before Marcelo even prayed to ask for forgiveness for what he said to his daughters the Lord had already provided for the need he later asked me to help fulfill! It was fun to see the glazed stare on Marcelo’s face after what had just taken place, haha. We will continue to go back to the center to follow up with the guys and I hope to personally get some time to sit down with Marcelo and hear more about his story and share with him more about THE STORY that changes everything! Praise God!
April 7, 2020
Christian dropped by our home to say hello. For those of you who don’t know I had the pleasure of leading Christian to Jesus about 5 years ago but since then Christian has had quite an up and down walk with the Lord as he battles with drug addiction and other vices. Christian had come to our meeting at Fervent Fire Church on Sunday and had gotten delivered from some demonic oppression and left the meeting feeling much better and like a weight had been lifted and good things were set in motion for him.
Its not that I wasn’t optimistic for Christian because I was and am always hopeful that what I see someone experience in an encounter with God will be life changing and guide them onto the Gospel-path for the rest of their lives; the case was no different this past Sunday but the reality is I had seen Christian be delivered from demonic influence before, only to fall again when the temptation became too much for him to bare. So when Christian came by to say hi, as I usually do, I asked how he had been doing since Sunday and what he had been feeling. Christian explained to me that he had felt much better and clearer in the mind than before and that his desire was to never return to drugs. I once again explained to him that his only hope is throwing himself on the grace and mercy of God as if his life depended on it, day after day, deciding to walk with Jesus in total honesty and transparency. No more hiding, no more lies and half-truths.
He asked me to pray for him before he left so we did and while I was praying for Christian he began to chuckle and that chuckle soon turned into belly laughter! He had this big smile across his face and he was almost falling over as the Holy Spirit ministered his love and joy to his heart. He told me that he felt like he wanted to scream the name of Jesus and that he felt weird in his belly and chest region. I recognized that this was Holy Spirit wanted to flow out of him like a river; so I placed my hand on his belly and began to pray in the spirit and Christian began praying in tongues as well for the first time that I can ever remember.
Christian left that day smiling from ear to ear, chuckling and laughing in the joy of the Lord! He was baptized in the Holy Spirit when he least expected it, me too haha, Yay God! You are our greatest joy and gift!
April 4, 2020
Saturday mornings I watch my two sons while my amazing and talented wife teaches a sewing class to a group of women. My wife asked me to pray for the class to open up their time together; so I did, but I was left with the feeling that God wanted me to do more than just pray for the ladies this day. So a while later I was asking the Lord how I could bless them and if He had a word for me for them and He impressed upon me that one of them had pain in her back or midsection area. I went out to the group and told them that I had kind of a weird question for them and asked two of them, because I knew it had to be between the two, if they had pain in their bodies in the back or mid-section area and one of them said “yes I do” with a startled look on her face.
But, before I could pray for her a man who I had not met before ran up to our gate calling me by name and asking me to speak with him and that it was urgent. I wasn’t really wanting to leave the girls hanging as I had just identified who it was that had pain and had told her that the Lord was going to heal her, but the man at the gate looked like he wasn’t going to leave easily if I didn’t attend to him. I walked outside and he got real up-close and personal to my face and starting telling me how some guys had broken his nose and that he wanted me to call his sister to come get him. His nose clearly wasn’t broken, maybe swollen but not broken, and I could easily sense that something weird was going on with this guy. Within a few minutes, Luis was sitting down and had begun telling me how bad his life was and horrible thoughts he was having and how much pain he was living in on the inside. To my surprise he pulled out his crack-pipe and showed it to me then he slammed it down on the ground, shattering it into a thousand shards of glass. He told me he hated what he was doing but couldn’t stop. I began telling him about Jesus but I had to make a quick trip to the corner store to pick up some refreshments for the sewing class, so I left a friend with him to speak with him about the Lord until I got back and when I got back Luis had gone into a demonic stupor and was just swaying side to side while staring down. I began rebuking evil spirits and commanding them to leave him; Luis’ body locked up with tension and he began spitting and throwing up mostly saliva, some blood, and probably whatever other residue had been in his body due to drug use. This went on for about an hour until Luis passed out on our porch into a deep sleep.
While Luis was sleeping I was able to go back and pray for the one whose pain the Lord had shared with me and after three prayers she was totally healed and began weeping at the sewing table at the goodness of God. After the class I was able to share the Gospel with her and she decided to pray with me to began a relationship with the Lord! She gave her life to Jesus and has come to our meetings at Fervent Fire Church and has continued to be touched by Holy Spirit and set free from religion and other things. We hope to be able to baptize her very soon! Unfortunately Luis, the man passed out on my porch, got up and left while we were out and when we came back he was gone; so we didn’t get to speak with him any further but hope to see him again soon and see what the Lord did for him and continue to pour into him if the opportunity presents itself!
April 3, 2020
A full day of taking advantages given to me to share Christ and what He has done for me! In the morning we went to a local hospital to pray for people in need and God once again proved Himself more than ready. Sometimes entering a hospital can be very difficult if you are not a family member, so as I we approached the entrance I was praying for favor from the security guard who I could see was checking backpacks. We were asked why we had come, to which we explained that we were there to pray for the sick and were allowed to walk right in and they didn’t even check my bag! We prayed for a few folks before finding our contact in the hospital who then quickly led me to the director for the Emergency Ward and we shortly found ourselves in his office sharing about our ministry and how we love to share what God has done for us and pray for people for any and every need. The director, who I don’t think is a believer, seemed really open and actually wanted us to schedule a time to visit again to minister to all the staff! We were surprised to say the least at how open and desiring Billy Randal, yes, that’s his name, was to us and the idea of praying for the sick and sharing Jesus with him and the rest of the hospital staff.
After leaving the director’s office we went back to the parking lot just laughing at how amazing it was to have found such favor in the hospital and before we left the parking lot we got to chat with Guillermo, the parking lot guard, and share with Him the love of Jesus and pray for his right foot which had a good amount of pain. The Lord healed his foot and a big grin broke out on Guillermo’s face! We said “see ya soon” to Guillermo and on our way back home we stopped by the car wash and while there shared our testimonies with the two young men washing my truck. No one was coming by as it has been really slow with less people going outside due to fear of the virus, so we had ample time to share the Gospel with Bryan and Walter. After sharing with them for about half an hour we had the opportunity to pray with them to open up their lives to Jesus and begin a relationship with their Heavenly Father! It was an amazing time with those boys!
Later in the afternoon I was invited to talk with Juana’s son (the lady my wife is praying for in the picture from March 2nd). Felipe, a 21 year old kid suffering from depression and general lack of purpose and motivation in life looked not too happy that we had come. However, after talking for a while he opened up and was actually quite sincere in sharing with us where he was at and my heart really went out to him as I saw my old self in his dejected and sad face; so we spent about an hour there with Felipe pouring our hearts out to him and encouraging him to open up his life to God and to give Jesus a chance to show Him his real purpose for living and how greatly he is loved. At the end of our time with Felipe he prayed with us to invite Jesus into his life; to give God control and permission to show Him his love for him and plan for his life. It was such a blessed opportunity to share with Felipe and we are believing for the Lord to touch his life just as He did mine almost 15 years ago!
April 2, 2020
This day it was my turn to stay home with the kids in the afternoon while my sweet wife gave driving lessons to a good friend of ours and so that they could spend some time encouraging each other in the faith. Even though I was at home with our kiddos I had the opportunity to have an awesome conversation with my wife, encouraging her in her walk with the Lord ( something I consider as one of my highest callings) and I was also gifted another opportunity to share Jesus with another guy, Alex, who sleeps on the streets and still struggles with alcohol. Alex has come by our home various times, but what made this visit different is that he was visibly irritated and upset. I tried to share with him a little about Jesus being the Bread of Life that forever satisfies us, but he just shrugged me off and muttered under his breath his frustrations. After digging a little deeper he told me that just before arriving to our door someone had thrown hot soup on his feet and burned his foot; he had once again been rejected and cast aside. I got to share with Alex about his real longing, which is to know the love of the Father and to know who his worth to Him. After talking with him for a few minutes he calmed down and I asked him if I could pray with him to which he said yes. After our prayer ended he was visibly touched and in tears; his demeanor had totally changed! Alex also asked us if we had a pair of shoes around that we could gift him because the ones he had on were too small and his toes were all curled up in them; so I was able to find him a pair of shoes we had laying around and he left our house happy and thankful after showing up angry and dejected. How good is Jesus!?
April 1, 2020
At our Wednesday night prayer and adoration time one of our former high school students of The Isaiah Ministry came to be part of our gathering; she had come to the Sunday meeting prior to this Wednesday and God began dealing with her heart there. Ivania had previously received Jesus as Lord a few years back while in The Isaiah Ministry and it was obvious that the Holy Spirit lived within her and desired to do great things with her life, but she began a relationship that was not God honoring and the Lord’s work in her life was put on the shelf. Well, recently Ivania put a stop to that relationship and returned her focus to the Lord and this past Wednesday after our prayer and worship time together I found her in a puddle of tears and mush; the Holy Spirit all over her. It was such a joy to see her giving herself fully to the Lord, no longer desiring to hold anything back any longer. Taker her Lord! Take her deeper into your loving embrace and blow her mind with your goodness and power! Amen!
March 29, 2020
As night fell upon us we had the wonderful opportunity to reach out to a community of homeless and addicts who live in the largest and most dangerous market here in Nicaragua. I had never been to this market after nightfall as its very well known for how dangerous it can be, especially for “gringos” to wander in there. Even in the daytime its not really advisable for a foreigner to wander deep into the market as you might as well have a bullseye on your back for thieves and others up to no good. So we found ourselves there for a couple hours last night hugging on and sharing the love of Jesus with these precious and broken people. We distributed coffee and bread, but more importantly we got to hug and pray over them, about 30 or so showed up. The security guards near by watching us said “Its a real good thing you all are doing here as no one comes down to things like this for them.” We hope to go back soon and sew more seeds and watch what Holy Spirit will do!
Tito, in the pink shirt in this picture, has been in our lives for about the last 6 years or so heading up construction projects for the ministry and in our home. A true friendship has grown between us over the years and we have been waiting for the moment when Tito would open up his heart to Jesus and place both feet firmly in the light of the kingdom. Well, it finally happened! This week Tito prayed with us to receive Christ as Lord, surrender his life into His hands, and die to self in water baptism. After many years of inviting him to our community gatherings on Sundays, he finally came on the day he got baptized and it was such a honor to bear witness to what the Lord has done and will continue to do in his life in the days and years to come! We are so grateful! Yay God! You’re amazing!
March 23, 2020
There is a 19 year old kid who I was privileged to lead to Jesus about 3 years ago, however for the last few years he hasn’t been living for the Lord. Well, about a month or so ago he began coming to our gatherings once again and we were excited to see what the Lord was going to do with him, as we have always known that God was desiring to to something exceptional in his life if he would just let Him. He reached out to me a few days ago asking me to pray for him as his life had become a disaster; so I offered to meet up with him and talk and pray together. He confided in me that he had slipped back into smoking marijuana and felt powerless to deny the temptation. At this point it had become a daily habit where he was smoking marijuana various times a day. He was clearly broken over it and told me he wanted to live clean and fully for God; so I set up a time to get together with him and pray for deliverance from addiction and other unclean spirits. Not so surprisingly the 24 hours between our conversation and us meeting up for prayer together the evil one presented him with 2 more opportunities to smoke marijuana and made it nearly impossible for him to find time to be alone with God, which was the thing he wanted most. Thank God he found the supernatural strength to resist the ploys of the evil one and he showed up to our home and I got to pray with him and it was really a sweet and powerful time with the Lord! We are believing that what took place will be his “coming home” and he will decide to surrender all and never walk away from the Lover of his soul ever again!
We also got to pray over a dear friend of our who had been sick for about 3 days or so; body pain, weakness, throat pain etc. After we laid hands and rebuked the unclean spirit causing her pain and weakness we could see a noticeable change in her demeanor. She sent us a text message later that night thanking us for coming over, brining them dinner and praying for her and that she felt “super”. She also sent us a message this morning to let us know that she woke up still healed! Yay God! Its so fun sharing Him with others and watching Holy Spirit do what only He can do!
March 18, 2020
What a day! Wow, I am so thankful that we get to play a part in loving others in the name of Jesus and watching people get touched by His goodness and power! Today I got to share Jesus and what He has done for me with an electrician we have had do work for us over the last few years. When Jose came by to ask me about a job I had mentioned to him the Lord told me to share the Gospel with him and that’s when I realized I had never really talked with Jose about the Lord and what He has done for me. So today was the day! We sat down for about an hour and a half as he listened intently to my testimony and my explanation of this beautiful Gospel; after which he said he wanted to pray with me to receive Jesus as Lord as well! So today Jose got born again and I also got to baptize him later this afternoon! It’s my first time leading someone to Jesus and baptizing them in the same day, just like Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch in the Bible! After baptizing him I told Jose about how the Lord had placed him on my heart this morning and that God had something special for him today. He was in agreement as he said he had come by my house a few days prior but we weren’t there, and he told me he was going to stop by yesterday but never got around to it, but today . . . oh today!!! Woohoo Holy Spirit! Thank you Lord!
The picture on the left is of my wife was taken later in the same day hugging a sobbing McDonald’s worker who was being wrecked by the love of God. While eating dinner with some friends I noticed Fernanda and started chatting with her about my time as a McDonald’s staff member many moons ago. She mentioned that it was her first job and that she was working so that she could keep studying. I knew right then God wanted me to bless her with a little bit of cash and let her know how special she is to Jesus. Upon leaving I slipped her the cash and told her how much Jesus loved her. She said a shocked “thank you” but while outside I felt the Lord tell me she needed prayer so I went back in and asked her if she would like prayer for anything. Shocked again, she said yes and off to the side explained to me about her family problems she had been having; so I said I would go and get my wife and we would love to come back in and pray for her. So when we came back in we found Fernanda in tears and she told us she was just so shocked that God would send us to tell her He’s thinking about her and hasn’t forgotten her because she had been so discouraged lately. We got to love on her, hug her, and we prayed with her to give her life to Jesus and be filled with the Holy Spirit and His peace and love. It was amazing! Fernanda was just a teary mess, but after we prayed she said she felt the peace of the Lord and was just so thankful. And so are we! It was such a beautiful encounter and we are so thankful that we have been invited and commissioned by the Lord to tell anyone and everyone about His great love for them!
March 16, 2020
While out this morning getting our car registered we stopped to get something for lunch and while I was waiting for our paninis to get prepared I asked the Lord for a word for Geraldina, the girl who was making our paninis. Pretty much right away I felt the Lord speak to my heart that Geraldina had suffered trauma when she was younger. I believed that this trauma had something to do with physical abuse or rape, but when I approached the counter and told her that I sometimes hear from God for other people and that He had shared with me something about her life she told me that what she had suffered a few years back was the loss of her 7 month old baby boy in the womb due to cancer treatment. It was obvious to me that she was still dealing with the pain of that loss and I had the opportunity to tell her that it wasn’t God who took her boy, but rather the evil one. That God was aware of her pain and longed to heal it and that He loved her very much. Her eyes looked as though they were holding back tears as I asked if I could pray for her and so we did right there at the counter. I also gifted her a little extra tip and I left with Geraldina smiling with misty eyes and I pray with warmth in her heart with what the Lord had spoken to her.
March 14, 2020
I got to share my testimony with the ladies in my wife’s sewing class today! It’s always an honor to share about what the Lord has done for me with anyone. I only pray that the words I shared touched their hearts and although I didn’t see anyone break down in tears I am believing that the Lord will do something with what He has done in my life in the lives of those precious ladies!
March 11, 2020
Today I have been able to pray for a few people. While getting our truck washed I was in prayer and felt a strong desire to tell the kid washing the truck about the love of Jesus and how he gave me true life, joy, and peace 14 years ago. So after he finished I called him over and got to share with him about the Lord and my testimony and he let me pray for him as well. His name is Walter and the Lord really loves him!
I also got to pray for a man and his son while the family and I were out running errands. We noticed a man who was holding a boy who was obviously disabled so after my wife’s encouraging me to do so, I walked across the street to talk with Javier, the father, about Joshua, his son. His son was 4 years old, but looks like he’s 2. He has never walked or spoken intelligible words as he was struck with meningitis as a baby and subsequently had 3 operations on his brain but to no avail. Javier is a believer and has been for 5 years, so I got to encourage him to believe for healing for his son and we prayed over Joshua together, rebuking the unclean spirit and commanding healing and life over his body. Javier had also had an accident at work when the hook of a tow-truck hit him in the head; he told me it should have been worse but that the Lord had protected him. However, since the accident he had felt weak and tired; so I got to minister life to him as well and he was powerfully touched during the prayer as he was shaking and crying. We are believing for full restoration for Joshua and Javier and awaiting the manifestation of the healing that only the power of the Holy Spirit can provide! Nothing is impossible to those who believe!
March 10, 2020
This is Jonas. I met Jonas while he was cleaning the floors in the Fort Lauderdale airport. A few moments before Jonas started cleaning the area in which I was sitting I was just observing and commenting to myself how dirty the floor was with trash and pieces of food strewn everywhere. So when Jonas came over to clean the dirty floor I told him thank you for working so hard and that Jesus loved him and saw his hard work and that makes His heart glad. We started talking in spanish and english, as Jonas had learned a decent bit of both, which is pretty awesome since he is from Haiti, the country he immigrated to the U.S. from 4 years ago in order to find a better paying job. Jonas told me he had at times worked two jobs in order to make enough money to help support his 8 nephews and nieces that were left fatherless after his brother died a few years back. He asked me to pray for the doors to be opened for his family to come to the U.S. as it has seemed impossible for that happen. I gave Jonas a $20 gift and he left with a smile. He let me know that he too was a believer and all in all it was awesome to get to encourage another brother in the faith and spread around the blessings we have gratefully received!
March 9, 2020
In the short video I share with you what my last day in San Diego was like. As you may expect the Holy Spirit continued to move in San Diego just as He does in Nicaragua or anywhere else! ❤️🔥🙌Be encouraged today that God loves you and is anxious to move through you to reach others with His great love and power!
March 8, 2020
While visiting Tsidkenu Church in San Diego during a moment of prophesying over someone else near you that you didn’t know too well I felt the Lord highlight a young man to me named Abraham. I shared with him what I felt the Lord had placed on my heart for him which was the beauty and power of living a holy and clean life. I shared with Abraham that I was a living testimony that it is possible to live a clean and transparent life before the Lord and everyone else around us and that it doesn’t come by striving or religion, but rather full surrender to Holy Spirit in every area of our lives and resting in His ability to sanctify us and enable us to live holy lives. It was a powerful few minutes with Abraham as he gave me a big and sincere hug while wetting my shoulder with his tears. The Lord loves us so much and longs for us to hear Him and walk with Him in complete trust and utter dependence on all that He has done and all that He is.
March 4, 2020
On my way to San Diego to I arrived to the Managua airport early enough to have some wait around time at the gate. I saw a girl working a snack-kiosk at the end of the terminal and I didn’t see anyone approaching her to buy anything and so I thought I would go over and share Jesus with her. So I walked over and told her how much Jesus loves her and she said thank you and told me how she goes to church but doesn’t have relationship with Jesus. I got to share my testimony with her and pray a blessing over her life and then I followed that up with gifting her a little bit of cash and one of our “Jesus Me Ama” bracelets. Jennifer’s eyes filled up with tears as she told me thank you once again and I got to tell her it was all from Jesus and encouraged her to continue opening up to Him and that He would fill her with peace and a joy that no will last a lifetime. It was a sweet time sharing with her and one thing I want to mention to is that even though I saw no one approaching Jennifer before I walked up to her, while I was there trying to speak to her about the Lord 4 people came up to buy something, kind of threatening to distract and ruin the moment. I know that this was a plan of the evil one to derail what Holy Spirit wanted to do and I just stayed patient and prayerful while I waited for each person to leave to continue ministering to Jennifer. We can expect opposition when God is moving, but we don’t fear or get disheartened because He has overcome it all!
I also got to pray for 4 more people; one on the flight out of Managua who had back and knee pain, another in the market in Los Angeles who had deafness in one ear and demonic activity in her life(said she was seeing invisible people), the Amtrak attendant at the train station who had knee problems everyday (God gave me a word of knowledge about her knee pain), and a beautiful daughter of God who has suffered for 20+ years with cancer (said her pain went down right away after we prayed over her and rebuked the spirit of cancer). I also approached several others to tell them about the love of Jesus for them, but they didn’t really want to hear it. They said “ok thanks” but then looked away or moved on. That’s ok! Let’s just keep sewing seed and never stop burning for the Gospel!
March 2, 2020
The other day Jessica and I went to go pick up some plants and while doing so we noticed the lady helping Jessica was very kind and smiley and Jessica noticed that she even had a Christian shirt on. After we paid for our plants and headed on our way we both mentioned how we felt we should have talked with her about Jesus and at the very least should have shared the love of Jesus for her.
Well, today we went back to the same plant-stand where Juana, the lady that helped us out the last time was working once again. As we were paying for some soil we were picking up I felt that we were supposed to give Juana a monetary gift and tell her how much Jesus loves her. So Jessica handed her the money and began talking to Juana about the love of Jesus and got to pray for her as well. Juana was super touched and crying during the whole encounter.
After Jessica finished praying for Juana she told us that when we showed up the first visit she felt that there was something different about Jessica, something good and something that she liked feeling while she was helping Jessica pick out the plants we ended up taking home. We are so thankful that we got to go back and bless Juana and see Jesus put a smile on her face and tell her that He is the reason that we live like we do and it was Him that she felt inside of us!
March 1, 2020
During our weekly Bible Study I felt the Lord impress upon me that someone in the study had back pain. In that moment in which I felt the Lord speak this to me I didn’t say anything, but later in the study after we had spent some time in the scriptures and worshipping I spoke up at asked if anyone had any back pain. 4 people spoke up and said that they had back pain and 2 of them were healed after a few minutes of prayer and the other 2 felt better than when they had come. We are all growing and learning to hear the Lord’s voice and stepping out in faith to be His hands and feet and mouth. I am not always as obedient to what I feel He is leading me to say to someone else or a group of people, but it is my sincere desire to grow to be more like each day and to see more and more amazing things that only Holy Spirit can do as I lean on Him at all times!
February 28,2020
Today I got a chance to meet up with a really good friend of mine to have a coffee. After a few hours of amazing conversation and sharing about what God has been doing in our lives we made our way to the door after my buddy so graciously paid the bill. As we walked out I blessed our waiter with a bit of extra cash after the tip because we always have enough with Jesus and I asked him how he was doing and if he had anything going on in his life or body that’d he’d like prayer for. Maciel quickly responded to my question with the question “What do you know?” and “How do you know?” I told him that I didn’t know specifically what it was but that sometimes God speaks to me and leads me to pray for people for specific things; but sometimes I just ask because its what I do! So he asked me and my buddy to follow him to the bathroom where he told us that about a week ago he had gone through a tough situation with his girlfriend (who I think he is living with) and that he wanted peace in his home and between them. I got to share with him about the power in confession of sin and how it invites healing into our lives and the importance in his example lived out in Christ and how that can impact his girlfriend (who doesn’t know Jesus). It was a joy to get to pray for him by the men’s bathroom with people coming and going all around us. I don’t mind looking a fool or at the very least a bit strange for my Jesus!
February 26, 2020
We decided to do our weekly Wednesday prayer and adoration meeting in combination with another ministry with whom we minister from time to time. So this particular Wednesday we weren’t in hour home but rather out in another rural location. During the worship and prayer time one of the little girls who was present stood up after we had finished our time together and realized that her foot was no longer in pain! She had had pain in her foot since Sunday after following off a slide but her mother hadn’t yet taken her to the doctor to check the extent of the damage. Well, Holy Spirit healed her while we worshipped and prayed together and no one even laid hands on her! She felt her foot itching during the worship but didn’t think anything of it until she stood up. How cool is that?! Yay God!
February 15, 2020
I was invited by a friend to go minister with a visiting team of Americans in a park about an hour and a half away from Managua. While praying for people we encountered in the park who needed healing in their bodies, near the end of our time there a man named Jose walked up to us and asked for a Bible. I started to chat with him and wondered why he was there in the park alone, as he was over 70 years old and it seemed strange to me that he would be out at that time of day by himself. He explained to us that he lived alone and that he had a daughter that he saw from time to time, but other than that he he was on his own. I’ve always felt compassion for the elderly who have no one to care for them or with whom to share the last years of their life. I asked Jose if he had any need for prayer or any pain in his body; to which he said he did have pain, arthritic pain in his hands and knees. He showed me his hands and I could see that his knuckles were swollen and he couldn’t open and extend his fingers very well. We prayed for Jose and the pain left his hands and he could open them without pain and a sweet smile came across his face. Jose left the park clutching his Bible with his pain-free hands!
February 11, 2020
While arriving to Jessica’s mom’s house, where we are currently renovating her home, we passed by a group of guys drinking alcohol at about 10 in the morning and as we passed them it really saddened my heart to see them so lost in addiction; it seems more and more are added to their number each day. Once we got to the construction site I continued to feel saddened by what we had seen and it wasn’t long before I decided to act on the Holy Spirit’s prompting; after leaving my phone, wallet, and watch with my wife I walked down the street to go share my heart with those guys. I spent about 20-30 minutes with them sharing my testimony about what God had done for me in setting me free from addiction to pornography and lust over 4 years ago and how He longed to do the same for them. I also shared about how much God loves them and the abundant life He has waiting for them if they would dare to believe that there is something more than the day in and day out disappointment of addiction that never satisfies in the long run and place their trust in Jesus. A few of them were really drunk and struggling to follow along, while a few others were noticeably touched by what I shared. One of them, Marlon, was crying as I shared; he remained pretty quiet but I could tell his heart was crying out. At the end of my time sharing with them I asked if I could pray for them, so we gathered in a huddle and I asked the Holy Spirit to touch their lives the same way He did mine and show them how much He loves them. Most of them were drying their eyes after the prayer and I can only hope seeds were planted that will soon bear fruit. This was my first time walking up to a group of addicts on a corner to share my heart with them. I hope to do this more often!
February 9, 2020
Today’s Bible Study was attended by a good size crowd of over around 20-25 people. We range from anywhere from 10 to 30 people and really don’t have any idea of how many are going to show up week to week. What we do hope for is that those who come, come hungry for Jesus and want something personal with their Heavenly Father. Out of the whole crowd today I would say that only 3 were noticeably not engaging in the meeting; while the great majority were connecting with what was being shared and left feeling encouraged and perhaps challenged at the same time. I (Michael) really felt the Lord speak through me and share things that were directly from Him. I never pre-plan for a Bible Study and haven’t for years; I rather just spend time with Holy Spirit and let him lead my heart and speak for me whenever I am speaking about Him. And there are times where even while I’m speaking I hear things coming out of my mouth and I myself am like “Wow! I hadn’t ever thought of it that way! This is amazing!” That happened today several times and it was just really evident Holy Spirit was present to encourage and edify His people! Its so fun being a son of a King!
Today we had the honor and privilege of baptizing our brother Henry. The Lord moved beautifully in our Bible Study yesterday and what He said really struck a chord with Henry and today he came by to talk with me about what He was feeling. I met Henry a few years ago outside a local store when he approached me asking for a little help. Henry looked rough and explained to me that he had just gotten out of jail and needed some help to get home to his family.
Henry came by our home a few days later since I told him where he could find us and we helped him out with some new clothes and shoes and when he asked us why we were being so kind to him we explained to him that Jesus was the reason and this is what love looks like! Over the next few weeks we came to find out that all had told us was a lie and that he was really struggling with a terrible addiction to smoking crack. Since his confession Henry had been up and down.
February 10, 2020
Henry would come to our weekly study for a while only to disappear for weeks or months at a time. Over these past few years of knowing Henry we’ve had some powerful encounters praying over him and have seen evil spirits leave him, only for him to fall back into the thing he had grown to hate. Today he said “enough of this same old same old, I want out” and decided to die to himself and to live for Jesus! Thank you for praying with us for Henry to grow and mature into God’s man!
February 8, 2020
Jessica and I went out to eat because it had been a while since we had time alone together without the kids. Some folks may say a few weeks or so isn’t that much time to go between dates, but we like to try to get away together for a few hours once a week if possible. We have found that when we make one on one time together it helps us to stay on track with each other and remember that in order to love each other well we have to make personal time together. We went out to a restaurant where we visited about 8 months ago and we had the same waiter as well. I wasn’t sure if Byron remembered us from our last visit and as we finished paying I got up to give him an extra tip on top of the included tip and told him that Jesus still loves Him as I had told him last year. We almost always tip more than what’s expected because we have a Father that gives us so much more than we deserve or expected! His face then lit up and he said that he remembered our visit, even down to how many people were in our party and where we sat. It reminded me how simply telling someone how special they are to Jesus and blessing them with a bit of extra cash can touch someone in such a way that they don’t easily forget it. I highly recommend trying it out for yourself!
February 4, 2020
Jessica, Seba, and I were out taking care of some things in the morning while Jo was at school and we stopped by the university where one of our former staff members is in her last year of her International Relations Bachelor’s degree. I was there to pay for a few things for her and I found myself alone in the line at the register where usually there are at least a handful of people waiting. Two girls were behind a glass division handling my request and I realized that this was a great moment to tell them how special they were to Jesus and to see if they would let me pray for them. So after going back and forth in my mind as to whether I should or not (they looked busy and they glass division could make communication a bit complicated) I lowered my head down to the hole in the glass and I told them that Jesus loved them very much. After a bewildered look from the girls and having to repeat myself a few times they both smiled and said thank you. I asked if I could pray for them in anyway before leaving and they both asked for prayers for their jobs; so I asked for their hands and prayed a quick blessing over them. When we finished our prayer together they both looked close to tears. As I began to walk away I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to give them each a bit of money, so I reached into my wallet and grabbed two 500 Cordoba bills (500 Cordobas is about $15) and went back and gave it to them and told them it was from Jesus. They simply lost it and began bawling saying “no no no”, but I insisted and told them that Jesus paid a high price for them because they have much value to Him and to just receive the gift. We give much because we have been given much! It was quite a beautiful moment!
February 2, 2020
This is Maria Jose to whom we ministered healing a little over a week ago while in the grocery store. We ran into her again and she told us that she had only used her walking stick three times since we prayed for her! She also shared with us that the pain that the Holy Spirit took from her that day she got healed had not returned and she even went to her church to give testimony to what the Lord had done for her! We don’t get many chances to run into people again that we pray with while out and about so this was a real treat!
January 26, 2020
While at the grocery store with my beautiful and amazing wife a lady in a motorized wheelchair stopped my wife to ask her what the back of her t-shirt said. On the back of her shirt it says in english “My Life Belongs to Jesus”, so Jessica explained that to her and spoke a little more about how Jesus is the reason for her smile and hope for every day. My wife then asked if we could pray for her back as she said she was hit by a run-away tire 7 years ago while on the side of the road and it left her back all messed up. She was happy to let us pray for her as her sister Leyla looked on curiously and as we prayed for her back I felt some movement underneath my hand and just had a certainty (a little extra than normal) that something had happened. We asked her to check it out a bit afterwards and she moved around some and said she had no pain, but didn’t seem to want to get up to try it out walking. So we said our goodbyes and told them how special they are and loved by Jesus. A few minutes later we bumped into them again as Maria Jose, the one we prayed for, called my wife back over and told her that her back felt different and that before she had an intense pain in her shoulder but when we were praying for she felt like a small hand touch her shoulder and now she had no pain there and could straighten her back out when she couldn’t before! It was so cool and fun to see their faces and tell them how wonderful Jesus is! We are believing that when we see them again the next time she will be walking better.
January 25, 2020
While out with the family making some food purchases for our Sunday Bible study after breakfast together at McDonalds, a treat for us (mostly the kids haha), I saw a lady hobbling through the store and walked up to her and asked about her foot. Anna told me she had been having problems with it for some time and needs to use a brace. When we offered to pray for her foot she said yes with a smile.
So we prayed for her and she took off her brace and said it felt good, although we didn’t see her walking any better, and continued to tell her how special she is to Jesus and how much He loves her. She told us as we began to say our goodbyes that “I feel alone sometimes (she’s not married and has no kids) and I wouldn’t say that I’m a holy person but I am a person of prayer and you telling me that Jesus loves me is the best thing that has happened to me all year.” She told this to us with her eyes starting to well up with tears. It’s so important and only takes a few seconds to look someone in the face and tell them in total sincerity that they are loved by Jesus and that they are very special to Him!!
January 22, 2020
We began a construction project the other day and the crew that is working on site contains 4 guys that are in need of the love and forgiveness of Jesus. 3 of them are young guys but all 4 of them have such sad faces and I felt I was to share my testimony with them, so I got the chance to do that yesterday as they ate lunch and rested after a long morning of hard work. I got to pray for them as well and I am looking forward to the coming month with them as I know I will have more opportunities to share with them individually about what the Lord has done for me and what He longs to do for and in them.
January 20, 2020
This morning Augusto came to our home looking for a plate of food. He had come once before last year, but I didn’t have a chance to chat with him as we were on our way out the door and only had time to give him something to eat. So this time I was able to ask him about his life and why he is in the situation he finds himself in; sleeping in the park, jobless and losing a 25 year battle with alcohol. I got to share my testimony with him about how the Lord set me free from a 20 year porn addiction and would do the same for him. When I handed him a Bible he began to cry and told me how he wasn’t allowed to his sister’s place because they wanted to see him open up to God and that him showing up with a Bible would be evidence that he was listening and he felt they would let him in. I got to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with him and pray with him to give everything to the Lord and for Holy Spirit to make His home in him. After we prayed he said he felt peace and like he was glowing. Augusto came for a plate of food, but left with his heart swelling with the love of God and his mouth full of thanks for Him! He is currently working on a construction crew with us; his first time with a steady job in a long time! He also came to our Bible study that following Sunday and looked engaged and with hope in his eyes, what a blessing it was for us to see!
January 15, 2020
Met Jaime at Pizza Hut while there for lunch with the family. Jaime was our server and I shared God’s love for him and asked if I could pray for him and he asked for prayer for his 2 year old daughter because he and his daughter’s mom had decided to separate a year ago. We prayed together and we got to bless with him with a monetary gift. He seemed touched by it all.
Met Julio later that night, the security guard for a Chinese take-out place near our home. I shared God’s love for him as well, but he seemed kinda distracted. While pulling out of the parking lot I stopped the car and gave him a tip for watching my car and told him it was from Jesus and asked if I could pray for him for anything. We ended up praying for financial blessing from the Lord and peace in the home. It was obvious to me that he wasn’t tipped much and the monetary gift seemed to lower his walls a bit.
December 28, 2019
This is our new friend Aliyah. I met her while on a breakfast date with my sister. On our way out I wanted to pass by her hostess station just to tell her how much we appreciated her service and that Jesus loved her very much. Her eyes immediately began to well up with tears and I asked if I could pray for her and she said yes. She shared with me that she is a believer but the majority of her family aren't and spending the holidays with them was hard as she feels broken for them not knowing that the real reason for the season is Jesus. She was crying the whole time she was telling me this.She has only been working the job where I met her for a week and has been working hard as the restaurant laid off a good amount of staff right after she was hired. I got to go back to the restaurant on a breakfast date with my sweetie today and we had the opportunity to chat some more with Aliyah and bless her and our server with some extra money. We also got to pray with our server as well which was awesome!So many are struggling with things we will never know about if we don't step up and smile and share the love of God with them! People are not a nuisance or a bother; they are all worth the blood of Jesus just like you and me. Let’s treat everyone just as Jesus would if He was walking in our shoes; cuz He actually is if you think about it! 😉💓🔥