Our Love out Loud program is really much more than a “program”… we believe it is a way of life.
Over the years the Lord has been showing us the importance of not only doing things for God, but rather living a life deeply rooted in God and letting Him love through us as He chooses wherever we may be and to love whomever may be standing in front of us.

We are consistently offering prayer and ministering healing to folks out on the streets, in stores, wherever we may find ourselves throughout the day and we are seeing God do some amazing things!

People are getting healed of their sicknesses and pain is leaving their bodies, as well as others getting set free from demonic oppression and receiving the Holy Spirit.
It really is more than an evangelistic outreach, it’s an everyday thing! We absolutely love seeing people get touched by the love and power of God! We believe that everyone we meet who has not begun a relationship with their Creator is just waiting for someone to show them Jesus and tell them of His great love for them. Healing the sick and setting the captives free is just as important to us as telling others about the Good News of Jesus Christ!
Those that give towards our Love Out Loud outreach are helping us to provide Bibles for those that don’t have their own whom we meet out and about as we minister to those in need.
Most of the people to whom we minister are not attending a church or other discipleship program and have no way of acquiring their own personal Bible in a translation they can easily understand. It is important to us that we get the living and active Word of God in their hands and show them that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit they too can read and understand God’s Word and make it part of their daily life!
In Managua people come to our door daily and anytime we pass through any one of the main intersections near our home we are approached by kids, adults, sometimes whole families who make a living washing windshields, juggling, or panhandling to make ends meet.
While the spiritual need is always of most importance, many times hearts are softened and walls are broken down through simple acts of kindness.
We believe in a “show and tell” Gospel. Jesus didn’t just speak to the masses, He fed them as well and met their physical needs. A compassion heart doesn’t just speak words, it has hands and feet as well!

Would you join us?
This is not an outreach or some evangelistic campaign to us here at Fervent Fire Ministries, this is life.