Making Disciples
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
This command from Jesus to His disciples more or less encapsulates what we have been focusing our time and energies on these past 3 months or so and especially since my last blog post. Meetings like these and many personal conversations have been what our lives have looked like recently.
Don’t get me wrong, our meetings do contain teaching and time expounding on the truth of the scriptures, but we also see many healed of physical problems and or scriptural hinderances in our time together as the body of Christ.
““Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.””
We had the privilege of witnessing the above promise from scripture fulfilled! Darwin, Najary’s partner for the last 8 years or so, decided to follow Christ in water baptism after we shared the Gospel with him just a few months after Najary got born again! You can read more about Najary’s decision to follow Jesus in our April 12th post on the Testimony Page.
Darwin was a classic case of someone who had desire to know God but had only encountered religion over the years, which had left Darwin dejected and critical of what he witnessed in Najary after she came to Jesus. However, after a few months of seeing Najary shine her light on a daily basis Darwin decided he too wanted to begin a personal relationship with Jesus as well! Praise God!
Jessica and I were also pleasantly surprised by our cook from year’s past’s decision to repent of all her sin and follow Jesus in water baptism! Flor came by our home to say hi and so that we could give her a birthday present a day late and our time with her ended up being even more special than we imagined!
We love Flor and have known her for over 4 years. Over those years working with Flor we had seen numerous moments of her expressing desire for the Lord and sensitivity to Him, but never a decision made as life-changing as this one! We are just so pleased that we could be part of this decision with her and are looking forward to all that Holy Spirit will do in her life in the days to come!
And the two became one!
As you can see, Najary and Darwin decided to get married! Woohoo! We were and still are so excited to what God has done in this family over just a few short months! This is only something that God can do! The funny thing is that during the 8 years of this relationship prior to getting married each of the two had a desire to get married to the other, but there was never a moment when they both wanted to at the same time, so it never happened! Obviously, up until recently neither Darwin nor Najary knew anything about the unconditional love of Jesus and how we are called to love each with such a sacrificial love in a God-honoring marriage. Jessica and I are dedicated to walking with this young couple and with what little wisdom we have attained over our almost 7 years of marriage we share with them. This has all been just such a beautiful testament to the redeeming power of the truth of the Gospel! Thank you Lord! We initially were just planning on helping Darwin and Najary cover the lawyer costs to get legally married without any real ceremony or celebration, but as Jessica and I discussed it we decided that we wanted to make it a little more special than just a legal ceremony and invited others from our Fervent Fire Church and other family in Jesus to come and celebrate what God has done with us. It was a sweet time together celebrating the two of them in an intimate gathering of mostly believers and close family members.
“...your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”
One last thing I want to share with you is how we got to bless another couple with whom we have grown to love and appreciate this past year. They got married in January of this year and have had much adjusting to do as they have begun life in ministry together. New challenges, needs, vision and all that comes with uniting your life to another’s and beginning to serve together. Well, a while back I began to feel that the Lord wanted us to bless them with some money. As I thought about it for a few days I told Jessica about what I was feeling and she immediately said that she was feeling the same thing. We knew it must be the Lord! So after our last meeting we let them know that the Lord had instructed us to give them a monetary gift. The awesome thing is that Jessica and I did not know that they were lacking 50% of their planned budget for the month and only had 7 Cordobas left in their accounts! And the Lord had already instructed us to give them an amount that was enough to cover that 50% lack and then some! Wow! How awesome is it when God speaks to us so clearly and confirms His word through others to take care of His children?! So we were able to bless this sweet couple who are doing amazing things for the kingdom as well in sharing the Good News and making disciples.
If you’d like to read more testimonies about how God is healing, saving, and setting free others through our humble little ministry you can do so by clicking the link below!
Thank you for your prayers, giving, and partnership in the expansion of the kingdom of God through Fervent Fire Ministries! I bless you who read through this blog post, mightily and abundantly in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!